Have just had the worst 10 mins that seemed to go on for hours. Blue gets exercised off lead as it is something we have worked hard with. 5 mins after Phil left with him for the evening walk fire works started and Blue bolted. Phil came back home to see if he had returned but no. Phil went off on a hunt I stood at the back gate blowing the shepherds whistle like crazy. Blue came sprinting around the corner to me.
It could have been so much worse. Blue is petrified and hiding under the stairs.
Thank goodness for all the recall training. Why the **** are fireworks going off tonight!!!!
What a nightmare. Poor Blue. I hate fireworks. We've had them round here since New Year. Just one or two going off at totally bizarre times of the night.
That must have been so scary for you both as well as for poor Blue, i bet when he was back home and the panic was over that the anger really set in for the selfish idiots who keep setting these blooming things off for no reason
Very Strange, was just out with my three and there is fireworks going off near me too!!! 28 Jan ???? dont quite understand why? Zada was freaked and just wanted to get home.
Isla wrote: I was just wondering if it would have had anything to do with the impending Chinese New Year (although I'm not too sure when that is)?
Then I thought sensibly and realised it was probably just some moronic neds pratting about!
Karen, Chinese New Year is February 18 when we go from Year of the Dog to Year of the Pig. I'm sure these fireworks are simply morons, we get them going off occasionally round my way for no obvious reason at all. I wish they'd just ban the lot of them.
Thanks all this forum is a great way to vent your spleen!! Blue is ok now but it will take him a while to get his confidence back in the dark. After fireworks night it was 2 weeks until Phil could get Blue to go out in the dark without forcing him
Until his happy again inthe dark he is being exercised on the lead.
I think fireworks should only be available to those doing organised displays and not sold to the public. If we knew that on certain days fireworks would happen ie New year and bonfire night we could all prepare ourselves and pooches.
Amanda, Sorry to hear about Blue. As you know I have a soft spot for him gorgeous boy that he is, so I was glad to hear he is ok and that he came to your whistle!I hope poor Phil wasn't out for hours searching while Blue was safely inside! I couldn't agree more over fireworks it is disgusting - it must affect wildlife as well as our dogs and small children can get frightened too.I really think they should be for organised events by special licence on 5th Nov only and outside that time not at all. Charlie used to be a wreck at the first sign of them and was also startled by the sight as well as the sound of them. He used to look into the sky before going out for weeks after the event! Chad doesn't seem bothered and now we are out in the middle of no-where we don't get them so much (I hope)! Love to the hansome Blue Boy xx
What a bluddy nightmare! It's such a sickening feeling when they bolt in the dark. It's impossible for the imagination to not shift into overdrive and fear the worst. I'm really glad to hear that Blue made it home safely. He's a clever lad to find you all so quickly.
It was Holocaust Memorial day on Saturday, just wondering if the fireworks would have been for that...??....weird for there to be some just in the middle of January...
Sounds like celebrations for Chinese New Year. I can't let Chloe off the lead. EVER! Much too risky; it would break my heart if anything happened to her. I found her once in a shoe shop in Buchanan St after escaping past the couch delivery men. I'd imagine you felt the same relief when Blue turned up. They don't know the stress they put us parents under!!