Since arriving with me in August Mason has remained fairly aloof, happy to let you stroke and pet him but rarely one to seek out cuddles. I've never seen him lick anyone so you can imagine my joy last night when I sat on the couch next to him and he looked up and gave me two big sloppy licks on my face
That is until I realised that he had looked up from licking his own bits Still I think its a breakthrough and am very happy! Marie
PS Thanks for fixing my avator Siouxsie, I love that pic!!
it's a man-thing!! not that neil does that ! - i meant that Dave and Tom snuffle their bits to excess and Daisy is far too ladylike for that sort of caper!
tootsmazza wrote:That is until I realised that he had looked up from licking his own bits Still I think its a breakthrough and am very happy! Marie PS Thanks for fixing my avator Siouxsie, I love that pic!!
LOL Your expression must have been worth seeing when you realised where Mason had been licking first
And no problem about the avatar thought you would like that one
It could be worse. He could have been licking his bottom after having just been out for a doo-doo........ (Yep, you know it, my Pearly has done that to me!)
It is very cute when they start to show tiny wee signs of chilling out behaving like a normal dog would. Recently Wilow has been like that in the house when playing he smiles at me now when he gets excited which is very cute. Its just wee things that they do that make you love them more and more Glad Mason is settling in and he obviously loves his mummy
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."