Took the gang down to the local park/playing fields for a sprint yesterday as the had been left along for most of the day. Florence & Abbey get off first cos they don't like to run with the rough boys, so Dexter and Kai are set free after the girlies have had their sprint. Kai is going the fastest I've ever saw him go trying to catch Dexter and when he does they have their usual nudging n growling game. Unfortunately this time Kai nudges Dexter at a muddy/slippy bit and Dexter falls, summersaults then crashes into tree.
He didn't make a sound (unusual for Dexter, bit of a girles blouse!) and continued to run around like a loon. It wasn't until he was back on the lead to go home we saw how much damage he had done to himself. Wee soul grazed his wrists and burst all his bottom lip/gum aswell as being covered/caked in mud. So his chin and mouth looked as his if he'd been in a boxing match last night.
He's a wee bit more normal lookin this morning, but is milking the sympathy for all it worth.
Ach poor lad. Makes you wish they'd be a bit more gentle when playing. Hope his mouth and grazes heal quickly. Am quite sure he's loving all the attention.
I'm sure Grey's must be the most accident prone and clumsy dogs of them all, they just seem to be forever getting into scrapes. My heart stops when my two are crashing about with each other just waiting on the inevitable injuries.
They are sooo accident prone, we'll have to start wrapping them up in cotton wool before letting them out in the big bad world! Hope Dexter's lip isn't too painful but im sure he'll feel better soon with all the treats he'll be getting
Get well soon Dexter. I've sen my girls get in Timmy's way when he was running and tumble him right over, but only bruised pride for him, utter panic for me!
Jennifer wrote: They are sooo accident prone, we'll have to start wrapping them up in cotton wool before letting them out in the big bad world! Hope Dexter's lip isn't too painful but im sure he'll feel better soon with all the treats he'll be getting
Poor Dexter, I agree with the cotton wool or maybe a plastic bubble
Thanks for all the concern. He got his usual brekky at the weekend (eggs/sausages/tomatoe/toast/anything thats not nailed down & edible). Then they all got pasta & sausages for dinner as a treat, cos he still looked sore. Last night he was getting back to normal, trying to play with Kai & letting me brush his teeth. First time since Thursday night, so got a better look at his mouth. His top front teeth have sunk/bit down on his bottom gum cos you can see the teeth marks, plus he landed on his chin, but its all healing up nicely.
Some pictures of the sad looking aftermath!
Bit hard to see his 'thick lip' but honest it doesn't usually protrude as much!
Had a trip to the vet tonight as Dexter's mouth is/was absoluting stinky. So a thought, wee infection cos o his gums (even tho we are flushing his mouth with salt water) plus not being able to brush his teeth for a couple But no, teeth and gums whats the awful smell? Mouth bugs according to the vet............. um, am stumped.
Does anyone elses dog have terrible breath even after a dental and brushing their teeth?
O well I 'll go and clean his teeth......................
Poor Dexter looks sorry in the first picture, but got to say this is very close to what Biscuit looks like every day after our long walk!! Then it's a scrum in the garden with the watering can and lots of bribes! Good Dexter's teetth and gums are ok.
Poor Dexter! Has he been on antibiotic recently? These can kill off the normal body/mouth bacteria which leaves space for less friendly bacteria to colonise and take over. Live yoghurt for few days might help, or yakult, to replace the friendly bugs. I've found these good for their smelly wind which is often a sign that the bacterial populations in the gut have altered. I dont know if saline might have the same efect as antibiotic. In humans, also green leafy veg (nitrate-rich) also helps kill unfriendly ingested bacteria, but dont know if this is the same for dogs. If you decide to try either of these, I'd be interested to know if it does help? Fiona
Hiya Isla, Dexter is doin fine & is back to playing wi Kai and Abbey.
Thanks for the tip Fiona, Dexter and Florence have both been on antibiotics recently after getting teeth removed during a dental at the o January. Never thought about a connection as Florence's breath is fine,but we're going food shopping this week so I will get a supply and let you know if he improves.
Dexter and gang have been on bio yoghurt for the last ten days and his breath is alot better. Still slight doggie breath, but I don't mind him getting near anymore. Plus they love it so much, its another treat/bribe.
Glad to hear its made a difference and that Dexter is enjoying it. Just by the way, its a good tip for us people too, taking live yoghurt after a course of antibiotic. best wishes, Fiona