Ever since ive had Willow he's walked a bit odd. I first assumed it was arthritus because he'd been in a cold kennel for a few months, but as the weather has got milder it didn't get any better. I had him at the vet and they thought maybe arthritus aswell but after a week on pain killers he didn't improve. Vet agreed best to get him booked in last Monday for xrays to find out what the problem was. When i phoned the vet at 1pm to see how he was, she told me that his spine was crumbling and they'd have to phone the specialist through in Fife to see if there was anything could be done for him. My heart sank I thought my poor boy he's only 4.5 years old and has this problem. When i went to pick him up at 5pm, turns out it wasnt as bad as i'd origanlly thought. His spine had started to crumble at the base where it meets the pelvis as a result of running so many races and his skeleton has been put under so much strain and pressure. Now he has stopped racing his spine and pelvis have fused together in such a way that makes him walk a bit odd. This explains his strange gait! Good news is he isn't in any pain and the damage won't get any worse because he is now just a pet and he can lead a normal life I was so worried about my boy as he's so young. The worst case scenario is that he'll be very arthritic when he's older but that can be treated with pain relief when and if it happens. I was glad to have my baby home and Millie was delilghted to see him. They are such a worry at times Doesn't stop him enjoying a good run on the beach
Poor Willow to have this at such a young age, but he is so lucky to have you and the care you have shown by getting answers, and you will be able to take some measures now you know what you are dealing with. I'm afraid it only confirms my view that racing is a cruel sport, because there is so much hidden damage, until an owner like you starts to care for them properly.
With you to take care fo him I am sure he will be fine and have a good life, he is such a nice dog and so friendly. The photo on the beach is great , is that Lucy with him. Nora
Your poor lad. What a rotten thing to be stuck with at that age. What a relief for you though, knowing what it is and how it can be dealt with. It must also have been such a huge relief when you found out it wasn't as bad as initially thought!
The stresses and strains that these poor animals have to put themselves through in the name of sport are horrendous. Horse racing is much the same - they start the animals far too young, at a time when the bones are not yet fully formed and hardened. The result - horrendous injuries or problems in later life.
Sounds like Willow retired just in time. Poor thing, we just never know what has happened in their past. I hope he has many years of good health ahead. Marie
Willow's a lucky boy to have you looking after him now. Here's hoping that his spine doesn't cause him any more problems. And, hey, it's good to walk with a wiggle.
Willows wiggle just adds to his charm, I'm glad it's not serious as first thought, he's really lucky to have you looking after him, he's a fantastic dog, I love meeting up with you and watching him run for fun. Hope to see you soon.
Katie & Tricia..Dogs and Moggies.
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
What's a bit of a wiggle compared with now having retired to a comfy sofa and lots of cuddles. Glad it was not more serious jennifer and i'm sure Willow's swagger will just add to his character