I took Biscuit up to the park today cos he gets off lead and nice wide open space. I'm trying his recall with the silent whistle and chicken, cos he usually gets dry treats. Biscuit saw the parkie collecting rubbish with a stick and black bin bag, and thinks great - I'm off to see him. I blew the whistle and shouted "chicken", and it worked. Only thing is parkie turned round and gave me a right scowl, cos I think he thought I was calling him chicken cos he had seen Biscuit charging for him!
Oh I'm not taking it for granted with one successful recall - no way - Biscuit has the attention span of a gnat, but he is food oriented, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.
Recall is always a hard one.Tara does a very good recall when we are out and about, but at dog training she is always the one at the other end of the hall pestering other dogs.I think that she gets bored at training.I am sure that they don’t believe me that she does it really well when outside (most of the time).
Zak started off very bad and then was not too bad.Recently though he has become very selectively deaf.I do the recall and he pretends that he can’t even see me.I think that he has relaxed with us so much that he is seeing what boundaries he can push.So far all it has got him is the disappointment of being on the lead while Tara gets off.It is working as he is a bright dog.He did try the not come back at all but we hid behind a wall and he soon came running to find us.
Ha ha, that made me laugh. Poor parkie. We wouldn't dare try Dan off the lead unless in an enclosed area, he does his own thing and isn't interested in food at all when out. Sally on the other hand is quite good, although we wouldn't take the risk where there are any little furries to chase, or big furries for that matter, she goes daft when she sees deer. Thankfully we've gor a huge enclosed area nearby we can use to let them run about.
Nice one, had a good giggle! I find my young three can be good as gold for weeks, then suddenly become deaf blind and oblivious to me, they dont go far and come looking for me very soon, but they frighten the daylights out of other walkers, and me in case they have an accident. If they 'lose' me they get very upset. But its a lot to do with the rabbit population. Well done, Biscuit, keep up the good work. Fiona
I would love to have seen the park guy's face when you shouted! It must have been a picture.
We tried squeakies with Tigger yesterday and she was quite good (shock horror). This was doubly pleasing as a woman had walked into the same area with a wee dog and Tigger hadn't seen her come in. If she'd suddenly spotted the movement in the grass, there could have been a fright!
You can only keep plugging away with this whole recall thing.
Well done Biscuit! I'm sure it lightened up the parkies day too. I doubt very many people have called him chicken before! Angus is quite good at recall but Jenna's just an absolute Madam. She'll just stand and stare at you ,if you call on her, as if to to say 'so?' She's always just that wee bit too far away for you to grab her and if you start walking towards her, she just turns round and walk the other way. I do try and walk away from her and ignore her, but to be honest that really doesn't work either. I have never lost her tho, as she always keeps me where she can see me. Other owners round my way find it very amusing to see me standing looking furious but trying not to shout at her. Lover her to bits tho!