Last easter sunday, Tia gashed her leg. She got an emergency vet appt and the wound was stapled. Her follow-up was the following Monday, however on the saturday (I was away on a course), I got a phone call to say the wound had burst open. I asked my daughter to get an emergency vet appointment to sort it. Stupidly, I didnt phone back to check things. I arrived back late sunday night to find the vet had refused to see her, saying it wasnt an emergency. I was shocked as the wound was open and festering, but I couldnt get an appointment till Monday am. These are two of the pics I took. The vet was dismissive and patronising when I complained and said it wasnt lifethreatening and wasnt hurting her. but she needed surgery that day to get rid of the dead tissue and stitch the wound properly. I picked her up at night, she could hardly stand up. I asked what was wrong with her, and was told it was the anaesthetic. I wasnt told she'd bled very heavily during the op. At home, she drank a huge bowl of water and was a bit brighter, but her leg was swelling and reddening below the bandage. Back to the vet! It was 'just disruption of the lymph vessels and might take a few weeks to clear'. Tia was becoming really ill and the red swelling spread up her leg and along her tummy and chest, so back to the vet on Thurs. I was told she was healing well but might have a bleeding disorder. The nurse suggested Vitamin K to the vet, so he gave her a single jab. These are Tia after the op. By Friday, I didnt expect Tia to survive the night, she was so weak, and I'd totally lost confidence in the vet. On Sat morning, I took advice to call out a vet from another practice. Tia was rushed in and put on a drip for two days, and immediately started on high dose vitamin K - she was bleeding to death internally. By monday thankfully she'd turned the corner. She was on vit K for two months and required tow further ops to remove dead tissue and close the wound which by now had grown from around four inches to eight inches. I think a good vet is worth their weight in pure gold, and will always make sure any vet is experienced with greys in future. Almost a year now, and every time I look at my lovely wee lass I thank God she survived.
That's a shocking story. You trust professionals and assume they are doing the very best for your pet and then a second opinion proves they were not. Glad she made a full recovery after such a trauma.
What a ghastly experience I am glad that Tia got through it okay. Sadly being dismissive and patronising can seem to be the attitude of some vets. Some doctors are the same. Makes me think of the old saying that in some circumstances to get good service you either have to be rich or dangerous.
Can't agree more that a good vet is worth his or her weight in gold. Eleanorxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
Fiona, Tia's injury looked absolutely horrific and if it had been my Chad I would have been just as concerned as you.To think that a vet was dismissive of that is shocking but I am glad that you voted with your feet - and I bet you won't be going back there again. To me it really makes little sense - as, if you recieve good service you will keep going back over the years and telling people. If you get bad service you never go back and you tell absolutely everyone! Glad she is ok now, Emma and Chad xx
Good for you Fiona, you knew what was best for your girl and did it. Why is it that some vets make you feel so incompetent and stupid, that was how my old vet made me feel after Cas was speyed and took an infection so I moved vets. I am happy to say the new vets are fantastic and know all my dogs well. Nora
max wrote: I am happy to say the new vets are fantastic and know all my dogs well. Nora
I use the same vets as you Nora and they are fab I will not change vets now as feel so confident with the way they deal with my dogs and they are so friendly
what a horrible thing to go through, i cant believe those vets were so careless and stupid.
your a better person than me, i'd have sewed the vets for all i could get for the amount of unnessesary trauma your poor dog was put through, im glad you found a decent vet and all ended well.
just goes to show that you should do a check on your vets