This article appeared in today's Independent, and I thought it was really interesting with Crufts starting this week, and being a (so I thought) a lurcher owner. I'm quite lucky to have a picture of Biscuit's parents and know that his father was a Whippet, his mother being a lot bigger, hairier, (sorry love!)lurcher type mix, and all this time when folks ask me what is he, I say a whippet X lurcher - now he's a designer breed!!!
I think the article is quite thought provoking and mentions about so many homeless dogs.
Good for Biscuit the Wurcher. He has got to be one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen. Love the picture of him on the stairs looking out the window. Marian.
I find it slightly alarming that the Kennel Club seem to think that crossbreeds are "fashion motivated" and that another "dog lover" seems to think they are a fad. There are millions of people out there who take on crossbreed dogs and there is nothing faddish about it and fashion is the last thing on their minds!
I know that, ultimately, Crufts are there to maintain breed standards and, like my late grandmother, can be a tad snobbish about dogs however I have met lots of pedigree dogs who have iffy temperaments and lots of ailments thanks to suspect breeding.
At the end of the day, does it really matter whether they have a pedigree as long as your arm or not, as long as their owner loves them and provides them with the love, care and companionship they deserve!
PS Whurcher is a pretty cool name for a breed. Suits your handsome lad down to the ground.
Congratulations Biscuit on becoming a brand new breed "WHURCHER" has a certain ring to it. My friend calls her whippet-x a "Whuppy" which I think is rather cute. Nora
Thanks for the kind comments about my Whurcher!!! Peter you are right about Biscuit's dad, and I'm sure that's where he gets his "attitude". The pic of his mum and dad looks like Mutt & Jeff !!! But they made a nice boy
Biscuit is so handsome. This thread has been a bit of a coincidence as I met a lady yesterday with her dog. She asked me what Flash was and I said.....he is a crossbreed....bedlington terrier x greyhound....a lurcher. I asked what her dog was and she proudly said....A "labradoodle". I walked away these days of designer dogs........what could be more "designer" than a lurcher. Deliberate cross breeding to produce a dog for a specific function. So I walked on thinking of a posh name for Flash a "greylington" a "bedlington hound" etc etc. she seemed a nice lady otherwise I would have been tempted to say " So your dog is really just a mongrel like mine" Eleanorxxxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
Yes the show beddies are the ones that look like little lambs. I think that most books carry the health warning "Do not be deceived by the lamb like exterior"
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.