Does anyone have any knowledge of the Dog Day Care Centre in Gorebridge, outside Edinburgh? I'm taking Mason for a visit on Monday with a view to possibly signing him up for three days a week. Playgroup for greyhounds....I ask you Marie
I'm pretty sure that the woman who runs it came to our house one evening, as we were thinking about it ages and ages ago. If it is the same person, she was very nice. We didn't pursue it as it was pricey.
Haven't heard of this one but I've found a great woman (in Edinburgh) who will pick the dogs up and care for them in her home (hour long walks included). She took our two for the day when we were moving house and they loved her. She wasn't expensive. PM me if you want details, if the other one doesn't work out.
It does look good, and the secure fenced area would mean Mason got lots of off lead runs, which would tempt me for Sunny.
Mason at Playgroup LOL won't take him long to show the other kids how to have mischief
-- Edited by Sunny girl at 01:37, 2007-03-23
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
As FAJ says - think it is the same person and she seemed very nice but it wouldn't have worked for us anyway. She takes the dogs to her house for the day, along with other ones, and this wouldn't do with Harry. Some of the wee dogs may go missing! She was very nice though and seemed professional.
This is right by where we live and I walk past it sometimes. We went up that way this morning and there was a pack of happy looking dogs in the paddock. They started barking, then howling when they saw Daz and Tess out on the road looking in at them! The paddock is very secure with high wire netting fences that look like they would even keep Mason in. They have a picnic table in their paddock and two of them were sitting up on it! There is also a nice looking green building where they can go if they want to be inside with a TV for them to watch and sofas to sit on.
Its in quite an animaly area, there are a group of pigeon lofts and a small racing kennel just across the road. The racing greyhounds also have a secure exercise field nearby. The greyhound guy has said that my dogs can run in the exercise field if his are not using it but I haven't taken him up on it yet.
Well I dropped Mason off at the pick-up point for daycare this morning at 7.45am. He looked most put out to be shoved in a kennel in the back of a van. I think the crate looked a little small for him, he's such a big boy, and he was glowering out at me when I left. I've promised not to phone and check on him until lunchtime. I thought the day care facility looked v. good and when we visited yesterday there were two other greyhounds staying as well as a variety of other dogs - I think about 12 in total. I'm a bit sceptical about whether Mason will settle though but reckon he'll met me know pretty quickly either by jumping in the van when it arrives or point blankly refusing to go in. Can't wait to 5pm!
Indiana wrote:So was Mason pleased to see you? Did he have an expression of enjoyment or distaste? Dying to know!
When I went to collect Mason from the daycare van he sat up the minute he saw me but was a bit unenthusiastic, I thought, when he came out. We got home and he immediately climbed onto his sofa and went to sleep! I decided to let him snooze and left his normal evening walk. This morning I dreaded his reaction at realising he would have to do it all again but he trotted to my car and when he saw Sarah from the day care centre his tail wagged and he bounced to her before jumping unaided into the back of the van. I was absolutely thrilled to see him so content to go off in the van again and she decided to leave his crate door open as it is a little cramped and he lies so well while travelling, so he can stretch out. Fingers crossed he carries on like this, only prob now is he might want to go five days, instead of the three, which will mean a jiggling of finances....less wine for me then Marie
That sounds good Marie. They are so adaptable, and it's nice for you to know Mason is not fretting. There's probably so much going on during the day, he missed out on his usual sleeps, so was tired when he came back to you.
Sounds like he had great fun! Im sure playing with all the other doggies tired him out so he was tired when came home I still think he'd like a girlfriend though
Jennifer wrote:Sounds like he had great fun! Im sure playing with all the other doggies tired him out so he was tired when came home I still think he'd like a girlfriend though
I'm told he didn't really mix with the other doggies but at one point a number of his fellow residents were caught trying to dig a tunnel out yesterday while Mason stood innocently to the side. The centre owner insists he was not involved, but I suspect my little Houdini probably gave them the order, particularly since she told me this had never happened before He probably showed them what to do before walking off and leaving them to do the hard work, little devil. Maybe a girlfriend would be safer
Sounds like he had a good time, it must make your life easier knowing he's not fretting and your not risking your weirdo neighbour giving you a hard time There's some cute girlies in the homeless pages though Katie
-- Edited by Katie at 14:55, 2007-03-28
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
tootsmazza wrote:I suspect my little Houdini probably gave them the order, particularly since she told me this had never happened before He probably showed them what to do before walking off and leaving them to do the hard work, little devil.
I'm glad he got on well though, I suppose it must be great for him to be able to run about and do what he likes in that way!, I wish Jet would behave with other dogs, he'd like that!
Mason's smart being the gaffer! Those diggers should have been sent to the naughty step, and Mason would have been s******ing at them! just realise I've been censored! It's another word for laughing!
Had a great laugh at the escape bid - I can just picture mason directing operations from behind the scenes - and having a giggle when the others got caught. How typically greyhound. Why doesnt someone do an animation of hounds along the lines of Chicken Run or Wallace and Gromit- bound to be a box office smash! Just think of the number of kennels that could be built with the profits.
Valerie wrote: Mason's smart being the gaffer! Those diggers should have been sent to the naughty step, and Mason would have been s******ing at them! just realise I've been censored! It's another word for laughing!
-- Edited by Valerie at 11:20, 2007-03-29
Valerie, I must know - what did you say??? My mind is boggling.....
Its the end of week two of daycare and Mason really seems to be benefitting from it. The good weather has, I'm sure, helped and he certainly is tired when he comes home. This morning is the first morning he was a bit reluctant to get in the van with the girls but he was a little stiff on one of his front legs which is prone to flaring up from time to time when he overdoes things. Futher investigation revealed he spent yesterday tearing around the paddock with another greyhound called Megan who is there regularly with her housemate Harry. I met Megan and Harry when I visited the centre and Megan took to Mason immediately following him everywhere like a little shadow. They're obviously becoming great pals. All I have to do now is persuade Mason to accept he is RETIRED and while the mind is willing the joints ain't always able and we'll be fine. It also looks like three days a week is plenty for Mason at the centre. Last Friday he was good as gold according to my neighbours, barking for 10 minutes in the morning and then settling for the rest of the day. After this morning's grumbling I'm sure tomorrow he will be more than happy again to be left home alone in peace and quiet for a day. So, so far so good, fingers crossed this will work. Marie
That's great news that he's enjoying it and has a friend. Is three days the minimum you can book your dog in for or can you go as little as one day? I sometimes don't have a dog sitter on a Monday but can usually pop home from work. It would be easier if I didn't have to!
Indiana wrote: That's great news that he's enjoying it and has a friend. Is three days the minimum you can book your dog in for or can you go as little as one day? I sometimes don't have a dog sitter on a Monday but can usually pop home from work. It would be easier if I didn't have to!
A lot of the dogs there are just occasional stop offs, there is no minimum on days a week. The website is <>.
Mason became the first dog to ever escape doggy daycare yesterday! After weeks of scoping out the enclosed paddock his patience paid off when a new customer left the gate open and he was off. None of the other dogs had even realised it was open but before the staff could get to it Mason had made his bid for freedom. He then led them a merry dance running around a neighbouring field before eventually coming back to them. The owner told me when he returned he collapsed on the floor panting for all he was worth. She commented to the girl who caught him "look at him he's exhausted" to which the girl, doubled over and gasping for air replied "HE'S exhausted!" Although I'm astounded that someone leaving a double-gated secure paddock would be daft enough to leave it open, I always knew this moment would come which is why I'm so happy the centre is in the middle of countryside. I had predicted to the staff that if he ever got out he would head for the field because greyhounds from a nearby racing kennel are exercised there regularly and he can see that from the paddock and that is exactly what he did. He slept soundly last night with a v. satisfied smile on his face. On the plus side five months ago when he had a similar free sprint he was barely able to walk the next day he was so stiff. This morning he was full of beans, so he is obviously fitter. Also, I'm pretty sure he'll be v. closely watched at the centre from now on