We had a relative to stay last night and it didn't half upset Indiana!Indiana was fine with him all evening until it reached the usual 11pm bedtime. My cousin was using the internet and the computer happens to be in the room that the dogs sleep in. Tigerlily and Indiana went into their beds but Indiana couldn't settle. He kept running to me and barking really loudly. I checked their water, I listened to see if it was a noise from outside, I even wondered if there was someone trapped down a mine a la Lassie... Then it clicked. It was now 11.10pm and Indiana just wanted the light out and a bit of peace. It felt ridiculous asking relative to depart from the room but it had to be done, there was nothing else that would shut Indiana up. As soon as lights were out and cousin gone - not a cheep - bliss!
They never cease to amaze me - that in-built clock that dogs seem to have. Wish I knew what signal they use to set it - it's more accurate than Big Ben!!
I'm lucky - when it's bedtime, that's all mine are interested in!
Drummer is so set in his routine and he know exactly what he gets and exactly what time he gets it!! You could set your watch by him! If your late giving his his dinner or walk etc he'll sit and stare and you and bark until you give in!
My inlaws lab used to sit and stare at you until you gave her her bedtime biscuits. In the last couple of years she was alive she slowly went blind. She used to sit in front of my father in laws chair waiting for bed unfortunatly she couldn't see if he was there or not. Half the time she was pressuring an empty chair!
It,s like the Waltons in our house at night.Out for last piddle after ten, then in to house to have clollars removed, a good old neck scratching then into first bedroom. Neck scratch for Cas and covers over head along with tipbit, ditto for Sasha along to bedroom number two neck scratching for Rag tipbit and then trot into crate given tipbit and tug in. Collies trot into outside Kennels get " Goodnight clap then pen closed. Goto my own bed knackered.LOL Nora
Indiana wrote: I know what you all mean. It was bliss on Monday though - they hadn't quite got their heads round the clocks going forward so extra time in bed!
That's certainly one good thing about the clocks going forward! Sadly, Pearly's body clock seems to have caught up again cos she's doing her usual wingeing in the mornings to tell us that it's time to get up.
Sadly, Pearly's body clock seems to have caught up again cos she's doing her usual wingeing in the mornings to tell us that it's time to get up.
My gang realised by dinner time on Sunday... that something wasnt quite right, so Monday morning was thier usual time!! Not mentioning any names as to who worked it out.....but his name has a connection to Elvis!