I know when Peter posted shots of Daz sleeping tucked in when he was writing about Tess coming to stay with us people were quite amused to see how he sleeps. We've got so used to it we were kind of surprised when Tess didn't like being tucked up!
Anyway, I was late to bed last night and the hounds were clearly well asleep as I passed by on the way to the bathroom. I couldn't resist grabbing my camera for this shot and the amazing thing was, he didn't even wake up with the flash going off. The flash can't really reach right downstairs so I had to enhance it quite a lot to show Daz, so sorry for the grainy poor quality.
Aw, he likes his comfort. Our Belle is just like Daz, she loves being tucked in. Theo's the opposite, tuck him in and he just stands straight back up again to make the blanket fall off. So he's more like Tess. They have their likes and dislikes, don't they?
Daz must have been out for the count if the flash didn't wake him. Or he's just so used to having his pic taken it didn't faze him at all.
That photo wont do his macho image any good but it is really really cute . My pair love their jammies but get to hot if i tuck them in, they do that digging up their beds and blankets into a big pile routine then perch right on the top.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Kathye wrote: Shhhh don't mantion jammies ;) I've been tempted to get some for Daz but not actually seen them 'live' yet. Got any pictures of your girls in jammies?
I think Tess wouldn't be seen dead in anything so wussie but Daz loves his comfort :D
Sunny loves her jammies. Heres a few pics. Alot of my cute dogs in jammie pics got lost when my computer got wiped but I've managed to find two.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.