Presley and Molly were running about the garden today.....when I looked out of the window and saw Molly running about on her own ?? Then I saw Presley lying in the middle of the garden looking all sorry for himself I ran out and picked him up, brought him into the house....thinking he had badly hurt himself! This is what he did
On inspection.........dreading the worse!!! Here was the wound
and finally....after loads of TLC
Hey I get an Oscar for that performance????
Teresa wrote: i think he should be on the stage, such a geat performance !
Tree....just need to speak to Viv Silverstein to find out what a performer this boy really is. If it wasnt his 'turn' for the training in the class, he did everything in his power to distract the other dogs/owners. He soon became the 'Class Clown'. When Viv's place got flooded out one night right in the middle of Presleys 'turn', he wouldnt move from centre stage despite the water flooding all around him!!