We have been asked back to the 3 Mile Vet Centre at 2075 Paisley Road West, Cardonald for another Greyhound Open Day on Saturday May 5th!
The day will kick off at 12 midday with a gentle dog walk from the surgery, along Paisley Road West and around Bellahouston Park and finishing back at the surgery!
We hope to bring a few homeless dogs and have a great opportunity to show off our dogs and help raise awareness that they make great pets! There will be other attractions to do, a great raffle and of course some homebaked goodies!!
We had such a sucessful time last year (raised £738.04!!) that we hope we can do that again!
I'm looking for some great volunteers who would love a day out with the hounds! Anyone interested please email me at linda@gal.org.uk !
It was a great event again Tracey - well done to you and the practice for organising it. We had lovely weather for the walk and the raffle was fab (although I won nothing for the second year running - hmph ).
So far the total is over £400 with the money from a can and further sponsor money still to be added. Fantastic - well done again!
Yes - thanks Tracey for inviting us again! Glad to hear it was such a sucess! (of course!) The can collections held £106! So that too can be added to the total! Well done to everyone!!!