Some footage of Jack running around the garden yesterday. My son Scott took it on his phone/camera. Unfortunately, he tilted the camera around near the end and it spoils it a little. Never mind, still good fun to watch. I was standing like a numpty in the middle of the garden with my camera trying to take stills !!! But Jack was whizzing round far too fast to get any pics!!! Put your speakers on too!! Marian.
Just loved watching Jack racing round your garden, Marian! It's wonderful to see greyhounds run for fun and I really admire Scott's ability to keep up in filming it as he's so fast!
Glad you all enjoyed it. I love the way dogs have such a good sense of fun. What you didn't see was that Jack had already done 8 laps around the garden before that was taken. Poor dog was knackered!! Scott got such a laugh doing it, that he now wants to do a better one and stick it on You Tube. Marian.
Tell your son to put it on YouTube, great advertising for greys. The shots were brill and Jack dissapearing into the trees was so funny. It is great when they enjoy life so much and it gives you such a buzz. Nora