It now the start of the busy time of year when the warmer weather is happening and we have the first of the outdoor events to attend. And here we are attending the wonderful GUVMA Rodeo on the 28th April, Garscube Estate, Glasgow, from 10am - 5pm.
Now for the really important bit.....the Rodeo is a very important opportunity for GAL to raise awareness of the homeless hounds in its care so it is vital that we get as many of them there as possible. If you can bring a dog from Eddie and Rachel's kennels at Langbank for the day, please make arrangements.
It would be great to see as many folk there as possible.
If you want to support GAL, this is one of, if not the best way of doing it on the day.
Directions can be found on the GUVMA website: Directions
We'll be there! It's a great day out for everyone - and I can hardly believe it's a year since we brought Dixie home from last year's Rodeo! Ill be available to walk any of the homeless hounds.
I got a holiday off work for Saturday and I will be there, this is one event I wouldn't miss - there's greyhounds, rats and ferrets, I will be in my element!
The Rodeo has a website Fiona with directions and a list of all the attractions (ooohh I wish I could go ) I just put GUVMA Rodeo into Google and got it but I'm sure one of the more clever people on here can attach a link.
Have a fab day.
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Should have added that Maryhill Road is a long road, and I think the West of Scotland Science Park entrance is around 1217 Maryhill Road and this is the way in to park.
I took a few photos yesterday when things were quiet in the shop. It was a lovely day and so nice to see so many dogs there - great publicity for GAL. Fingers crossed we find homes for some of them now. Thanks to everyone who bought from the shop and helped out.
I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the Rodeo to help out! We had 9 homeless dogs from Rachels, one foster dog (Jenny) and 2 from Alice (trainer) for the homeless parade! What a day for hounds! I have already received a few emails from interested folk to volunteer/transport and hopefully we will see a if a few dogs get homed!
Big thanks goes to Alexis, Lorna, Lesley, Caroline, Joyce, Denise, Jenny, Kathleen, Naomi, David, Charles, Robert & Catherine, Steve, Debbie, Iluska & Andy for helping with the dogs and stall. It was also nice to see a few others that came by to see what was for sale and lend some support.
Hope everyone enjoyed their day. I did but was quite tired by the time I got home! I think the dogs definitely enjoyed the day too!