Here's me nebbing in with my so called opinion on Indiana's behaviour, and my boy reminded me today complacency has no role to play where a lurcher is concerned! Yesterday, he was an angel. Twice off lead I called him with "lead-on" - he trots over (gets hotdog reward) and gets clipped. Cue smug owner.
Today,purely because I spent too long speaking to two mildly drunk gents - yes 11.00 a.m. (cos they had a collie/whippety type dog). Biscuit does his usual party trick after about 20 mins standing. Jumping up with passing nips, and shoves with his paws. Obviously made my excuses to move on, and Biscuit continues his assault.
This is his one bad behaviour I can't seem to get a grip of, and he only brings it out when I think he may have forgotten it! It's like being assailed, by a dog in a temper teaching me a lesson for standing. Even when I start moving away, he will continue, and by the time I got to the car, I was furious with him, by which time he had calmed down.
It's the reminder that really he was bred to be a killing machine, powerful neck, co-ordinated speedy jumps, long jaws. When he is jumping in and out at you, you are more concerned with evasive action than anything else. The nips are done with his front teeth, and he seems to be deliberately judging it as a nip, not a bite, but I will have a bruise from it, and I'm convinced he does it for badness.
Ooh and he looks such an angel! Thankfully Mason's never shown any aggressive tendencies but he can embarrass me spectacularly by throwing a hissy fit in the street. Thankfully its rare nowadays but when it happens he simply refuses to walk and rears up when I try to make him. It becomes a routine of rearing up, catching his paw in his lead, yelping, being untangled by me and then rearing up again with the occasional airborne twirl thrown in for good measure. Now when I see it coming I tend to straddle his back and stand over him stroking his head until he calms down, its usually caused by a desire to get into one nearby neighbour's house and kill all their cats and recently by the sudden sighting of galloping horses on a beach. It is though, as Valerie says, a reminder about our dog's capabilities and strength. Mason is generally so laidback and relaxed its easy to get complacent, but I know I never can!
Biscuit certainly is a character - he keeps you on your toes! Despite the nipping, it doesn't sound like he's being aggressive, more that he's frustrated you're standing still. I would wager than most of the dogs on this forum do something or other to express their frustration at this sort of thing. Pearly starts to bark and she gets more and more insistent as time passes. Though I suppose Harry is the exception that proves the rule, as he's so patient.....
Anyhoo, for what it's worth, I'd bet good money that he's just trying to get your attention again. Some dogs can be quite mouthy without meaning to hurt you. Again, this is something that Pearly does from time to time. She gets excited and nibbles me very gently with her front teeth. In no way is she doing it out of aggression and she doesn't mean to hurt, but it can cause a bruise.
As you say, complacency is a dirty word. Biscuit is a lucky boy to have you watching out for him and keeping him in the right.
Marie - when you mentioned the horses, again yesterday, Biscuit suddenly took off full pelt towards a field with horses, BUT managed to stop mid flight at my whistle, and return - I was SO pleased, because his whistle conditioning for recall has really come on.
I know he is not trying to hurt me (it's great, rough fun to him) with his nips, and we all know they could easily crush our hand if they chose to, but because he is so fast and co-ordinated with his in and out jumping, you feel overwhelmed - it's like trying to escape a hornet who is determined to sting you! It also ALWAYS happens under the same circumstances, but I feel I should be able to stand and talk to folk - even the drunks if I want - Biscuit is just bored and letting me know. p.s. Marie - I tell folk that his angel face is nature's protection for his devilish character!!!!
I love him to bits, but am determined we will get the right behaviour - I just need the right key.
bad biscuit! they do seem to have sudden behavioural traits - Daisy was swinging around on the end of her lead today - we had just left the house to get into the car to go to the vets and I think she was excited about being outside. good luck with biccie.
Blue occasionally nips me with his front teeth when he gets "the fever" and just HAS to play. Smarts a bit doesn't it?! . Strange that he wouldn't dream trying it with Phil.
Biscuit is just a baby still I think you are doing wonders with the handsome lad.
With Sasha it is the infernal whinning while you are talking away to someone, then I have to excuse myself by saying she has no patience. WOAH IS ME!!!! Nora
I love him to bits, but am determined we will get the right behaviour - I just need the right key.
We all love him to bits aswell! Stories about Biscuit always make me smile, because I can appreciate the frustration you feel, yet at the same time, they know what strings to pull to get back into our good books and quickly! We can compare bruises from nips, I look like I self harm....thanks to 'you know who'!! Give me a shout if you get the right key, cos they only guys who seem to have the key is Biscuit and Presley!
Dawn, does Presley also have telepathic abilities? Two weeks ago, I sat reading the posts on howling, and thinking, thank god, at least he's never done that! The FOLLOWING night - 3 am - two long howls - quite blood curdling - I went downstairs, and there he is roaching with a smile on his face, not in the least bit bothered. Never done it since. Biscuit's messing with my mind, I think.
Two weeks ago, I sat reading the posts on howling, and thinking, thank god, at least he's never done that! The FOLLOWING night - 3 am - two long howls - quite blood curdling - I went downstairs, and there he is roaching with a smile on his face, not in the least bit bothered.
Dawn, does Presley also have telepathic abilities? Biscuit's messing with my mind, I think.
Val, dont know about telepathic, but he is definately psycopathic. I am recgonising his different barks! He has one for dinner and out etc, but of recent I have learned he has a new one for......'Mum, Mollys being a bad girl, she's got something she's not allowed' Today when I heard that bark, I went in to the kitchen and found Molly munching happily away at the biscuits that they had somehow managed to take out of the box and put all over the floor. (Presley is the only one big enough to reach the biscuits). Where was Presley? Standing on top of the kitchen unit, afraid to come it...'Look how bad Molly is, but I'm innocent, thats why I'm up here.....'!! Messing with your mind they certainly do!