Just wondered if anyone else has experience of the following: - moulting with dandruff leaving clumps on the thighs of longer hair mixed with bald bits and the skin looks a different colour(!) This has extended to the tummy area which appears to have speckles of normal (pink) coloured skin on the darker coloured skin. We have had Chad over a year and I don't remember the moulting to have been as dramatic last year. I would normally just think bald thighs but its on his tummy too and the darker skin is strange. He seems well enough but has been stressed recently as a cat next door is constantly sitting where he can see it behind the hedge (the hedge is a bit patchy like Chads coat and we have link fencing in it to stop him getting through to the cat. It is really aggrevating him as one minute he is basking in the sun and the next he is woofing at the hedge! As you all know he gets spoilt rotten and sardines are a regular for him, so I can't think thart his diet is at fault. Although I did bath him on 29th March as he was shedding hair alot then. Thoughts appreciated Em and Chad xx
That's funny about the dark skin. Biscuit always had a pale pink tummy all over, and within the last 2 months, it has turned dark freckly on tummy, thighs. I just took it to be him maturing? Only been moulting as normal, but his coat is not heavy or thick anyway.
Vernon is moulting a lot just now and his skin has turned quite a bit darker recently. I remember this happened last year too. No idea why but it isn't bothering him.
Sasha is moulting pretty bad just now and noticed how her underbelly was turning grey instead of her normal pink.Like Valerie I just thought it was a case of Sasha maturing. Sasha seems fine in herself though and her top coat is shining. Go figure? Nora
Dexters skin was black when we rescued him (last Sept) then after a period of time it turned pink and it is now a dark grey colour! I have the same problem with Dexter as he has really dry skin, I have tried sardines, cod liver oil (we had to wear gas masks of an evening!!) and evening primrose shampoo. I am currently giving him evening primrose oil in the vain hope it will reduce his scurfy skin and have switched to Arden Grange (most people seemed to rave about this, thought Id give it a try). I would be interested if anyone has thoughts on dry skin also.
Yep - Annie is the same? I've noticed that her tummy is also becoming darker - it looks like lots of dark freckles - she's been basking in the sun quite a bit - wonder if it has anything to do with that??