That's wonderful news, Siouxsie! Bandit's been waiting so long - and Tommy's been waiting a while too. I'm so pleased for them - did they go to the same home? Well done!
Great news for both of them but I'm devastated! I had designs on Bandit. I've admired him for a VERY long time.
I couldn't have taken him while Wills was still on the go - don't think it would be fair to him to have to accept another dog in the house - but was biding my time.
Ah well, I'll just have to set my sights on one of the others!
I'm so pleased that two more dogs have got happy, safe, secure homes to go to though!
Soooo please they've both got their forever homes - esp Bandit as we always had a soft spot for him and were extremely tempted to take him. Really hope it works out well for them. Well done GAL on rehoming another two dogs! Keep up to good work!
Was that a three dogs (two long term) in one weekend then Siouxsie???
well Louise let see, oh yeah I am sure a lovely greyhound boy called Kai got his forever home too if my memory serves me right. Delighted for Kai
And Sapphire is also a stayer for her foster family.
Great News that these two have also found their forever homes, but a wee shame that we are now down 2 foster homes. So folks has anyone out there got a wee space on their couch for a foster?, have a read in the foster dog updates to see how rewarding it really is.
Interested then email or give us a call on 0870 888 7277
Bandit was with GAL since 13th October 2005, so good to see him going to his new home
It was a wet evening when I picked Bandit up from a pub carpark and took him down to the kennels. I am so glad that he has found a home at last. He has completely transformed from a bothersome scrap of a dog into a confident, trusting and loving hound.
I am terribly pleased about Bandit/Harry ( and of course Tommy/Barnaby)I met Bandit with Debbie and Andrew at Lesmahagow and have thought about him since then. Sapphire?...well Lindsay in Balloch knows that I had my eye on her before I went on holiday but as I am not too sure how Flash would take to another dog in the house I am over the moon that she has become a "forever" rather than a foster dog in the home where she is obviously so happy and settled. Hope that we gets lots of pics of Harry and Barnaby in their new home (hint hint) Eleanorxxxxxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.