Well, the kids and I have just come back from seeing Amanda finishing the second leg in the Marathon. And I thought it would be a good idea to have a place for everyone to put their well dones for all the brave souls who are taking part. I'll go first:
Well done Mum, lots of love from Phil, Harry, Eve and Hazel. We're very proud of you. There's a lot of money being raised, meaning a lot more dogs will be able to find their sofa.
Thanks all I hung around at the change over and got a couple of pics. The weather was horrid sooo cold wet and windy which makes it even more of an achievment for the runners. I HUGE thanks for those that manned the water station you must be freezing it was a big boost to have you all cheering as I went past! Sorry we havn't got team pics it was bedlam at the racecourse and I couldn't find anyone but I did get these not great pics but it proves we did it...
Moira running in... Sharon running off Michelle running off
I did try to get one of Lea but someone ran in front of me as she came in.
Yes CONGRATULATIONS to all the runners - what a great effort in horrible weather conditions (although it did clear up towards the end of the afternoon).
Thanks also to all the hardworking volunteers at the Water Station too - it was very cold and windy but you did a great job.
I have some photos to post later on - if anyone else has any we will look forward to seeing those too!
A special well done to Ricky - who ran the marathon in 3hrs and 45 mins!!! Later on he was found having a pint in a nearby hotel as he hadn't had a drink for 5 months!! Now that's dedication
I will let you all know the total raised once the money start rolling in - you have done a great job with the online donations so far.
FIona and I took Harry and Pearly out to Longniddry to cheer people on. We saw two GAL runners - sorry but don't know your names - but we cheered anyway.
Lots of spectators asked about our dogs so we told them about GAL. Even a few runners had extra breath to say "lovely dogs".
We cheered for an hour and a half but the dogs started to get tired and grumpy so we headed home.
Looked like a difficult day to run in - windy, sometimes cold then hot and then rainy - that's Scotland and the east coast in particular.
Congratulations again to all GAL runners and water station volunteers.
I would just like to add my well done to all the runners especially for braving the cold and rain while waiting at the changeover points- I was freezing standing around and I had on all my clothes, not some skimpy shorts and a t-shirt like everyone else!!!
I would also like to say how proud the Bleakley boys are of Sharon (greyflintstone) as this was her first ever race of any kind. It was great to see her running towards and over the finish line, despite being totally knackered!! And in a time that far surpassed her expectations (58mins for her 5.3 mile leg in case you want to know)!!! I think the overall team time for the Haggis Hounds was 4.5 hours.
I think she's well and truly caught the running bug so am positive this won't be her last race........I'm sure I heard something about a 10k in the near future........(but shhh! don't let on I've said anything!)
Fiona, Steve, Harry and Pearly it was SO nice to see your smiling faces to cheer us on.
Here are some of our pics:
after all our hard work, we get home to find Morse has had a private party courtesy of the contents of our guests holdall bags and the box of treats i'd left out for the neighbour to give him after his walk
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Oh God, I look horrendous in my photo and that's at the start, god knows what state i must have been in by the end still I have had a great day and I can't quite believe I made it to musselburgh racecourse.
I must admit I think i have been somewhat bitten by the running bug too, GAL might profit from me again in the future.
Well done to all our runners and water station people - we did great!!!!!
Sorry I am not good at posting photos! The photos below are of the water station team, Sharon approaching the finish and of some of the relay team members: Caroline, Lindsey, Sharon, Moira, Linda and Michelle.
My sister Moira did mention she spotted two lovely greyhounds and owners out to cheer on the runners on her leg of the route - so that must have been you Steve - thanks for doing that as it helped to spur her on!!
So far the total raised that I know of is £3,294.00 but there is more to come in so WELL DONE EVERYONE!! Will post the final total when all the money is in. Lorna
Lorna - That is an amazing total, well done to everyone.
Amanda - Judging by the time stamps on the photos of the finish, we'd have still been fighting through traffic when the group shot was taken. It's a shame you weren't in them, but the traffic near the racecourse was a nightmare. Of course, if you'd had to rely on the Marathon bus, you might still be waiting in ****enzie... Edit - I guess the sweary filter would prefer me to call the small coastal village in East Lothian Port Seton
-- Edited by UndercoverElephant at 14:59, 2007-05-28
So far the total raised that I know of is £3,294.00 but there is more to come in so WELL DONE EVERYONE!! Will post the final total when all the money is in.
WOW what a fantastic amount so far, well done everyone
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa