Blue has aged quite a lot in the last couple of weeks. He used to go all day without needing out and would look at me as if I wasn't right in the head if I tried to make him pee in the garden. Now he has to be let out 3-4 times inbetween morning and evening walks in case of accidents. This is fine its what all dogs do, we always thought Blue was a bit weird lol
Recently Blue saw a squirrel and tried to run after it after a short distance he let out an almighty yelp. Poor Phil thought Blues leg was falling off. After going over to check he noted everything was fine. sure he was just trying to save face and claim that if not wounded he could have caught that pesky rodent
Mine are always chasing squirrels Willow nearly caught one the other day as i let them into the garden It ran up the fence and he JUST missed it as the brissles of its tail breezed thru his teeth
How old is Blue, Amanda? Mason's almost seven and still middle-aged in my mind but because he has a black and white muzzle which can look as if he's greying people often think he is older. Particularly when he puts his sad, poor me, limp on which he has at the moment after cutting his paw
Blue is 8 and with him being the colour he is grey hair doesn't show. He looks a lot younger. I always thought he was young for his age although he does have the nick name "grumpy old goat" as he is like victor meldew in canine form!
It just seems strange that he hadn't seemed to age at all in the 3 years we have had him but the last 2 weeks he seems to have slowed down quite a bit.
Cas is almost 7 and I often think is this dog never going to slow down and just plod along beside me, now I think thank God she is still fit and active and bouncing along and long may it continue. Blue may just be suffering the blues with this dreadful weather and looking forward to some sunshine just like the rest of us. Nora
Hi I know, it is worrying when the dogs 'suddenly' slow down!
Wondering, when at home-home (my mum's), she used to give our dog cod liver oil and that spruced him up and he was more his bouncy self. At the moment, Fiddie & Coco get their omega-3 & -6 oils with their mackerel & sardines, mixed in with their (dry) food and I very much hope that that is keeping them in their usual spritely manner - I do hope so. Just a wee thought.
Another wee thought - could it be that although it has started raining, it is actually very warm! It could be the heat that is slowing down the beautiful Blue - Andy has the portable fans on, on timer, and the curtains closed, so that the pups don't over-heat.
iluska wrote:Another wee thought - could it be that although it has started raining, it is actually very warm! It could be the heat that is slowing down the beautiful Blue
Dan has slowed down too over the past week or so, he's 11 but usually quite spritely. He doesn't cope well with heat and and can get a bit grumpy so we just let him lie upstairs where it's cooler for most of the day. He also goes off his food in the heat, which can be worrying as he's a bit skinny just now.
Just a thought...if Blue's toilet habits have changed dramatically it may be worth a wee trip to the vet to get him checked out (apologies if you've already done this). Because of Dan's age we get him checked out quite regularly.
He seemed to be getting a bit ditsy and crabbit. This was apparently due to him getting a bit senile. i saw him a couple of times on the stairs halfway down, as something distracted him half way and he lost count on the old "Left right, left, right" legs and had to put one leg forward for him before he could move again.
After a trip to the vet he was prescribed vivatonin and he is as good as new, although he still wilts a bit in the heat.
This thread is spooky cos Abbey has started whining for no apparent reason and is/can be crabbit to very crabbit with the gang these days. Boys where always told off but now even Florence is getting a swearin st times, and they are best pals. Anyway been at the vet (got anti inflamatory tablets that gave her terrible scoot, nice when you come in from work and have to wash four beds . So got other stuff sharpish!)) Back on Friday to see if we can get to the bottom (no pun intended!) of whats bothering her. Age probably just like Dan and Blue as she will be nine in October, although she looks alot older.
My three had a wee check up this afternoon and the lovely lady vet (totally smitten with Millie and Tigger - loves greyhounds to bits) was commenting on Wills' eyes. His cataracts are getting worse due to his diabetes and I must admit, I see quite a difference in him in this last couple of months. He's slowing down and looking quite weary at times.
This warm, muggy weather isn't helping either but, bless the wee soul, he still has his lively days and is enjoying life to the full.
Hi, our other dog Skye is 9 1/2 years old (crossbreed) she still runs around like a lunatic but the next day she yelps or limps getting out of her bed. She has gone from a size 8 to a size 16 over the last year or so. This thread brought a tear to my eye, I dread to think of the day when she is truly old.
This is fine its what all dogs do, we always thought Blue was a bit weird lol
Amanda...please get Blue checked out by a vet....needing "out more" and the squeal of pain on a chase?....he could have a urinary tract infection and might require some antibiotics to clear it up quickly. With the deepest of respect it is best not to compare our dogs habits in this sphere to other dogs but against their deviation from their usual habits. I base this opinion on having been a nurse for thirty years and a having been around dogs for nearly sixty years
Love to all Eleanor and "Flashlurcher" xxxx
If I can't watch lurchers running in Heaven...I don't want to go there.
I agree with Eleanor. I know I probably drive the vets to drink here but ANY deviation to my dogs' usual behaviour worries me. With Wills, it's easy to put it down to the diabetes but when it drags on for more than 24 hours, I prefer the "better safe than sorry" method.
I know that when Wills was needing out more, it turned out to be more than an infection although it took us a while to notice because he was bed wetting (he's never been a dirty dog in that respect) and lying in it to try and hide it - bless him.
Don't want to scare-monger but its easier to get it checked than to deal with it later.
Since Maisie had her stroke 6 weeks ago she really has got old. She doesn't want to go for a walk at all now she is quite happy to toilet in the garden and she doesn't play anymore she just wants to lay on the sofa all day, but Maisie is 11
Still non specific but we both think its the start of arthritis, so painkiller as and when Abbey needs it and keep any eye on her. (gets worse go back). She has fine the last couple of days so no painkiller and no crabbitness!
Jax, Dan sounds just like Lenny with the stair counting! He usually has a wee think before going up. My stairs are in two halves so helps him have a wee rest inbetween!
Other from this he walks the same distance as he always has and still has the odd sprint. Played with the girls last week out on the grass (terrifies Ruby as he's kind of vocal when he gets started). He'll be 12 next month so all in all he's doing ok. I started him on Vetzyme Flexible Joint High Strength. It has made a difference to him out a walk and quite often I find myself 'dogless'. He used to walk beside me more while the girls did exploring. Nice to see him enjoying himself a little more. It's only just under £6 for 30 tablets so well worth it.
I would definately get any unusual or abnormal behaviour checked out. I agree that an infection could be the cause for Blue's problem.
This thread is spooky cos Abbey has started whining for no apparent reason and is/can be crabbit to very crabbit with the gang these days. Boys where always told off but now even Florence is getting a swearin st times, and they are best pals. Anyway been at the vet (got anti inflamatory tablets that gave her terrible scoot, nice when you come in from work and have to wash four beds . So got other stuff sharpish!)) Back on Friday to see if we can get to the bottom (no pun intended!) of whats bothering her. Age probably just like Dan and Blue as she will be nine in October, although she looks alot older.
-- Edited by neeroz at 11:53, 2007-06-21
This thread is VERY spooky as my dog has started showing signs of her age in the past few weeks. She's only eight but how long do greyhounds live for? You never seem to hear of fifteen old greyhounds. I know pedigrees don't usually live as long as mongrels but I know quite a few pedigree dogs who lived to fifteen or sixteen. I would like to think I've got a couply of healthy years left with her. She's on tablets for urinary incontinence, which I've had to increase in the past week but is also showing signs of athritis.