My first baby is due 9 weeks on Monday and my parents are convinced that Spud will eat the baby in his sleep and that we should lock him in a shed at all times to stop his mad, rabid antics. Also he will infect the baby with some terrible dog disease. I am aware that dogs regard babies as strange and frightening creatures (so do I) and that we will need to be cautious when we introduce them to each other and I'm looking for advice as to how to do this.
Here's a little information about him: Spud has been with us for 3 years and was 8 months when we adopted him. Before he came to us he was fostered by John and Tracey. Their daughter was quite young at the time and he got on just fine with her. He has never shown any jealousy towards my niece, who is nine. He does sleep in our room. We tried training him to sleep downstairs when he first came here but he got so upset he escaped from the crate, ran upstairs and jumped into bed. In the end we figured he was happy and quiet in the corner of our room and there was no need to move him. He doesn't go on the furniture. He's a typical thieving Grey (stole a radish last night and then peeled it with his front teeth to see if there was anything good inside). His big sister died 12 weeks ago so he's already had some upheaval.
I have every confidence he will be fine but I just thought it would be good to get some advice from people with experience of babies with dogs.
The best thing to do once your baby has arrived and still in hospital is to get for example a babygrow that your baby has worn and take this home and let Spud smell the baby grow so that he can get used to the smell of the baby so it won't be such a shock once the baby comes home. You could also try and take him places where there may be babies and young children about such as a play park and get him used to baby noises. Most dogs are fairly accepting of new babies once they realise they're there to stay and as long as you still have doggy and you time and he still gets a fuss made of him he should be fine. I know when a friend of ours brought theiir daughter home from the hospital their dog had a quick sniff and wandered off as if to say "what's all the fuss about!" Good luck with the new arrival when it comes.
I've never known a dog eat a baby, the ones I've known that have found new additions to their family have just accepted it some get a bit broody and insist on watching/protecting the baby, but others just take it as an addition to the pack, and as its the top dogs (that's you) baby they have a great respect for it. I'm sure you will enjoy Spuds company during the (very) brief moments you get to yourself following the babys arrival. When baby starts screaming you will find dogs and fathers have very selective hearing, Spud will be happy to leave you to it when the going gets tough, and just as happy to join in when things are rosey All the best for 9 weeks on Monday, and don't forget to post some pix of the new baby. Anne
I agree that introducing Spud to your new arrival needn't be stressful. Taking something home that the baby has worn is a great idea. My own experience of this was taking my baby son home and allowing my collie X to sniff him. It was no big deal - Rags and Martin were firm friends from the outset - in fact they were partners in crime once Martin started to walk!
Hiya, we brought both of our daughters home to dogs, dogs that were all rescues and i doubt had ever met a child. Your parents seem very similiar to father had all these dire stories of what my terriers would do to the baby..nonsense! I set up a moses basket in the lounge about 2w prior to the baby has a dolly in it, which i would pick up and talk too etc, when the dogs ventured near the 'baby' or near me with the 'baby' i praised them and said 'gently'. I got my husband to take home a brand new face cloth that had been wiped over the new baby whilst i was still in hospital, he causually dropped this in the lounge and made no attempt to draw the dogs' attention to it, but when they did, praised them and said 'gently'. When i and the baby arrived home, we popped the dogs on leads and laid the baby on the floor so they could see what 'it' was..the whole time praising them and saying 'gently' after a few moments of sniffing they were like 'oh...ok..' and wandered off.
I think its incredibly important to raise a child to respect the dog too, my kids were taught from being tiny that you dont pull or be rough with the dogs, you leave them alone when eating or in their has to be a mutual respect thing. I hear parents tell me all the time that their child rides the dog, or can pull ears/tails etc..i personally think this is wrong.
My friend recently had a baby and a few weeks before it was due bought a doll that cried etc and put this in the set up moses the time the baby arrived the dogs were completely laid back about the whole thing.
My kids grew up around multiple dogs, we now have 6..going on 7 and i have never ever had a problem of any kind.
Hope this helps...good luck with the dogs, the birth and most of all...enjoy..they grow up all too fast..mine are now 10y and 15y and it seems like yesterday they were babies!
Thank you all for your advice. I have every faith in Spud but convincing my parents that he isn't a rabid child-eater has been proving difficult. I think the problem may be that they have a very badly behaved dog who jumps at peoples' faces and they seem to feel Spud will be the same.
I've got a toy monkey in a nappy (to practise) so I'll try carting it about with me and see how Spud reacts.