Just back from the vets where Saha was getting her booster and the vet was telling me about the D.A.P. collar which has just came on the market. The dog wears it just like a normal collar and the body heat sets of the pheromone to calm the dog, the affect can last for 4 weeks and is ideal for stressful situations and the dog can still get the benfit even outdoors. www.dap-pheromone.com . Nora
Well my dap collar arrived this morning and I will be putting it on Red tonight to get a correct fitting. Also thanks to Mason's mum for the Dap plug in. I have already got a refill and it is now in the room as I write. With all this Red should be one chilled dog!!! Karen I will keep you posted as to how it goes with the collar as it might well help on bonfire night..
Well only used the plug in at the moment and all is much better. Red is back to jumping around like a loon when he sees his collar come out of the basket or in fact if I get on a jacket or some trainers.... Not used the collar yet as not been able to take him into the sort of situation I think will require it as I have had flu and so been in bed for the last couple of days... But will be trying it very soon. Will keep you posted.
Thanks all better now. We have been out and about the last two days, took him along with me when I went to the vets and some shopping. He was great. He seems to be much better most of the time now. However gave me a wee scare the other day. He went up to another dog in the same way as he always has seemed to be happy etc. just sniffing etc. When all of a sudden he lunged for the other dog. Fortunately the other dog high tailed away and Red was on the lead. The other owner was not bothered but must say it gave me a surprise so I will have to start to recognise his signs so I can divert him before he does this again..... Phew what a quick learning curve but so worth it and never a dull moment.
Saw Red out walking with your OH this evening when I was on my way along to sail. He's such a handsome boy. It always makes me smile when I see a greyhound out and about.