She's been on the same food for 3 months now,. This problem has only been in the last week or so. . I took her off the food for a few days and fed her boiled egg in the moring (which apparently bungs them up a bit) and pasta at night. I did this for 3-4 days and it did get slightly better, but not how it should be
is it just any only grass she's eating or does she seem to go for a specific type? I know my mum and dads old dog used to eat a specific type of grass when he felt he had a dodgey belly. A visit to the vets may be your best idea just incase she has a stomach bug or something.
Quite a few of the dogs here have the same problem (we're all a bit "poo-obsessed", I think ). Our Belle certainly "produces" in this manner and it's just something we live with now. We've tried a few things in the past, but nothing's made any more than a temporary difference. So if anyone can come up with anything foolproof, I'd be willing to give it a go.
i just cant pick it up. It literally wont go into a bag. I have to frogmarch her deep into the long grass over at the fields so i'm sure nobody will step in it.
-- Edited by fridays mystic at 20:49, 2007-08-29
I don't know if you've tried the raw meat, but it is working fine for my three, and next doors greyhound, Baillie, has changed to the raw meat as his mess was also unpickupable (is that a word?) The videos are great, I wish I could do those things
Mason has always been like that, solid in the morning and liquid by the evening. I find a raw bone solidifies him or a dinner of rice (white) and scrambled egg or chicken. My feeling is that he is fit and healthy and its just the way his system is although it can be awkward trying to clear up after him if he produces a pool in the wrong place. He also eats grass like a cow, am pretty sure he just enjoys the taste Marie
I've tried the natural yoghurt and had them on it for weeks. I can't say I noticed any significant difference. I've also tried actimel with similar results (or lack of). They do seem to enjoy it though!
I must admit, my three eat grass like cattle too. Wills started when I worked in Hampshire - there was a shetland pony in the field next to the yard and they used to chase each other up and down the fence (one on either side). Once they'd exhausted that game, they would graze along the fence beside each other. Millie and Tigger seem to have taken their cues from Wills and also chomp away merrily at every given opportunity.
I'm a firm (no pun intended) believer in natural yoghurt and it definitely does not cause wind issues. I've always found dry dog food and additional carbs to cause that issue and now that you are feeding the extra carbs with the dog food that is prob the reason for the lovely smells It might just take a while for Misti's tummy to adapt to the new routine and it certainly took me a while to experiment and finally settle on a food routine. I've tried numerous options and the best for me has been raw meat, tuna and natural yoghurt (they get any carbs through the treats I occasionally feed them). Poo has been firm and few (money saved on poo bags has been great!) and any wind issues have been a result of me giving them leftovers from my plate. I can also see a sheen on their coats that didn't exist before. Good luck and might I suggest opening the windows meantime lol
a visit to the baby-dog-doctor is definitely a good idea.
when dave and daisy exhibited the same symptoms i took them to the vet - they ended up with antibiotics. the only thing is, i can't flippin remember which one did the trick!! vet took a swab from daisy but that came back from the lab without any clues.
good luck - it is sortable, you just have to persevere to find which antibiotic will work.
if you need me to, i could probably contact my vet and find out which drug worked - let me know.
I find with my own dogs that the consistency (nice subject!!) of their poo will vary to some degree throughout the day, often it will depend on how much exercise they have had, if they have been swimming, if its been hot can vary from very firm to long as there is no straining to pass, mucousy or bloody stools, then i leave well alone. If we think of ourselves..the same can happen...wont go into more detail on this one!! I have found a certain amount of raw feeding has helped everyones' poo and anal glands no end..i have never tried yoghurt but i know some people swear by it.