Does anyone have any thoughts on why Mason would fixate on those plastic carts with th long yellow push handles that parents push toddlers around in? Last week he almost jumped into a, thankfully, empty one a family were pushing up our street. Last night he was very 'keen' on one a dad was pushing his wee boy around the park in. Since he's totally disinterested in kids I know its the carts, no other kids toy has the same effect
Good to hear Masons heads not just full of cats If he was kept with lots of dogs in kennels, their food may have been dished out from a wheelbarrow type thing. Who knows what goes on in their heads, could it be his age? when men get to a certain age they tend to want to rush out and get a motorbike or some equally impractical hobby, maybe he just wants a set of wheels
Begin worrying Marie when he starts wearing the large dog tag on a gold chain and smells of aftershave but at least he has the hairy chest for it. LOL Nora
It is a idea about food being given out from a cart that Anne suggested, or he just wants a hurl because he is dog tired. SORRY my sense of humour is terrible.
I'm going with the food theory. He was similarly intrigued by a guy pushing a lawnmower across a drivewaytonight that made a similar sound. The midlife crisis may still be to come