I was covering the evening surgery tonight, Jake was playing around in the back office, happy as larry..this woman came in and saw him and started to ask lots of questions, she then asked if she could see him, i popped him up on top of the desk and she patted him etc..nothing untoward there, she asked if she could give him a biscuit and i said i'd rather she didnt (the biscuits she had were these horrible multicoloured ones) i gave her a piece of his freeze dried treats and he gobbled it up..she made some comment along the lines of 'ooo you are starving...' I thought nothing of it. Later on the Vet came through and said that this same woman had said to him that she thought the puppy at the desk was skinny and 'undernourished' and that he (the Vet) should give me a talking to for keeping a pup in such poor condition????? He had apparently assured her that Jake was in fine condition but he was a Lurcher pup and leggy but not underweight..at which point she told him that she would take this further saying 'there's little point in trying to cover up neglect..' I was FURIOUS..Neglect..undernourished..what a bloody cheek..i was all for phoning her and giving her a piece of my mind, but i was given the whole 'she's a good client' bit..AAGGHHRRRR... Here is a pic of Jake at 10w old..taken yesterday..in the 3w he has been with us, he has gone from being 2.4kg to 4.1kg..
I have to say that she has a 1yr Lab that is the size of a small country, too fat with crappy joints and its constantly on drugs because it injures itself..it overheats and is miserable BECAUSE SHE OVERFEEDS IT..Honestly...i give up sometimes.
How rude. I would have been just as angry as you, sounds like she is the one neglecting her pooch if it's overwieght, have you seen some of the tv programs about this, they say overfeeding is just as much neglect as underfeeding. Try not to kill her the next time she comes in :) your puppy is happy, healthy and a credit to you dont let anyone upset you like that, pinch of salt Rowen x
How shocking! I meet people in the park all the time who give Mason treats and when he deigns to take them say stupid things like "does your mum not feed you" and 'are you starving?'. Thankfully since Mason has some very "well developed muscle pads" to quote the vet I know they can't be serious Marie
We get that a lot as well.When I first posted pictures of Zak to my blog a friend asked if he should be that skinny.Though she has no dogs and hadn't seen a greyhound up close before.
The other night someone asked me if Tara was ill because she was so skinny.She has very prominent hip bones and ribs but eats fine and often leaves some of her dinner.Which Zak eats making him fat for a greyhound.I think that one problem we have is that people assume that Tara is a wolfhound and therefore should be boarder where as the deerhound half makes her look slim.
I wonder if the person thought that Jake was an adult dog.When Tara was a pup loads of people assumed that she was an adult.
Well done for not killing her, I would have been sorely tempted to get on my high horse and start ranting about how her pooch is mis treated. Some people can be soooo ignorant it defies belief.
Wendy, Jake looks just gorgeous to me! The main thing is you know you're looking after him (as does the vet) so who cares what some busy body thinks. He looks happy enough to me for what its worth. Keep posting the pics as he grows up - I bet he changes every week! I can never resist cute piccies!
I couldnt believe that she thought he was starving, he is a healthy pup with a lovely shine on his coat and he has energy by the ton..i was really gutted that she thought he was starved!
Better just to ignore the SILLY !!!! woman, you and your vet know that Jake is a healthy happy puppy. It just beggers belief how stupid some people can be even when told by a vet that the pup is fine. Nora
I agree with Nora. Better just to ignore this. I suppose its more ignorance with some people. She probably thinks that her obese lab is a good weight so what does that tell you!! I have had a few moments similar to yourself. Its often with Judy as she is a very nervous dog, I think people think she is being beaten up by me. Ive just put it down to ignorance now.
I'm awfy glad that woman didn't meet me and Cara, she may have fainted at the sight of my skinny bitch it's a pity she's a 'client' it makes it impossible for you to say what you want to her, let us know when she's due in again and we can get a gang of us down to wait in the waiting room with her a few "tut, tut, tuts from us, together with the offer of some slimming tips for her poor obese bin liner lab may not help, but it will make you feel better
Well done for bitting your tongue, it couldn't have been easy! Lets hope she does continue to undermine the vet by taking the matter further and get told she is in fact the one being neglectful by overfeeding her dog.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
It's all very well to be ignorant - but to persist in being ignorant after being advised by an expert like the vet is extreme stupidity! The woman doesn't have a leg to stand on and I wouldn't worry at all about her empty threat. Jake is a real credit to you and I think he's a fine, healthy young pup and looks it too! But I can understand it makes your blood boil to be lectured by an ignorant so-and-so who keeps an overstuffed lab, especially since you can't answer her back the way you'd like to.
Maybe I'll join Anne's gang at the door of the surgery waiting for this woman and her fat lab to appear! It's a real shame for her dog - he doesn't have a chance, does he?
That's an awful experience - even though you are in the right, you are still left feeling angered by the whole situation. I'll join the 'tut tut overweight gang too'!