What a great day! after many weeks on call I was free to do as I pleased today. I took Mickey out for a ride today,(first time in 5 weeks) didn't fall off, and this evening we had a visitor, this wee girls daddy has working dogs (lurchers and terriers) The wee lass had a great time with my three hounds. Cara fetched the ball for her, even although she was wearing Caras frisbee thing in her head.
Bella played the perfect doggy doll in Caras bed, she enjoyed the 'eating up her treats' part
and the chickens produced a few eggs for the wee girl to collect, although these did get broken on the return trip to the house, Bella and Bess scoffed the broken bits.
Bess showed the wee lass how to climb the steps to the slide in the park, and how to slide down it, but I was laughing so much at this point I couldn't work the camera.(too much wine, me thinks) Her daddy was well impressed with the dogs, not great workers, but great family dogs. They were all so gentle and full of fun, I think that description sums up the greys and lurchers I've met. Just because they are finished working, doesn't mean they are finished!
" Just because they are finished working, doesn,t mean they are finished "
What a very intelligent thing to say, I have never heard it ever put like that before about the lifes of hounds but it is so true. Thanks for that Anne.
The photos are so cute and great to see the little girl enjoying the dogs. Nora