I don't think it could have rained any harder than it did today at Yellowcraigs and while Masons behaviour was exemplary, Bella and Bess were so busy doing their own thing, I don't think they would have missed me if I'd gone home without them. Mason enjoyed his free run.
Bella tempted Mason in to the bushes but when his mum called he had a good shake, and set off after Marie,
what a good boy he is, and to think Marie said all those bad things about him, tut tut tut. On with the walk.
Mason popped in to my car while Marie moved her car away from a large puddle, can't have the boy getting any wetter than he is!!!! I can see the red glint in his eye, could he have a darker side? I tried to get rid of it but it's still there (spooky) Bella and Bess tried to go home with a nice couple who had a westie, wee traitors. All mine are fast asleep in the sunroom, listening to the rain on the roof, Scottish summers aint what they used to be.
Mason,whose a clever boy then. Glad you had a nice time even though the weather was not so kind. How come you have no photo,s of your three Anne it would be nice to see them, we must meet up soon. Nora
-- Edited by max at 17:13, 2007-09-16
Great pix Anne, I think I was so preoccupied by keeping an eye on my boy I didn't even realise you were taking half of them! It was good to see your three girls as well, hopefully next time it won't be quite as wet. I think I'm still drying out. Mason's absolutely whacked. Marie
'My three' Cara has gone goofy over the tennis ball, I think she picked that up from her walks with you're crowd. All day long it's "throw the ball, throw the ball, awww come on throw it again". She is not fussy who she returns the ball to just as long as they throw or kick it for her. Bess likes to run off doing her own thing, looking for things to chase or roll in, she comes back every now and again to make sure I haven't got lost Bella just follows her nose, you can't see her if the grass is a wee bit long (short legs) you just see the movement her large bulk makes in the undergrowth. Bella lets out a howl if she finds something, that's the signal for the dogs with legs to come to her assistance, Mason responded 1st time it must be a universal dog language. At one point Bella set off with some golfers, she did come when she worked out where we were. (I think she wanted under their umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh) I'm going to have that awful song in my head all day now