Our monthly walk in the east takes place on the last Sunday of the month - Sunday, 30 September between 12 noon and 2 p.m.
Come along with your family/ friends and your adorable dog and meet others, with their beautiful pets.A great chance to take your dog on a different wee walk and for him/ her to meet other greyhounds and lurchers - they sure make a fantastic picture, seeing them all in their variety of colours and sizes.
We meet at the car park of St. Margaret's Loch, from 12 noon onwards. Representatives from GAL will be clearly visible in their orange tabards and Steve Leyland will be there with his brindles and wearing his hat to give you all a warm welcome.Steve will remain in and around the car park for the duration.
Well, as we know, the days are drawing-in and we are now in autumn, so make sure you are nice 'n' snug and, as we are in a public park, don't forget to bring along those poo-bags.
My mums staying with us from Thursday, so I may have Corrie the fat Tibetan as well as my three (Am I turning in to a mad dog woman?) Hope to see loads of you there. If my mums with me I may have to turn back before the hilly bit, my mums got two replacement knees and she finds the rough ground difficult. I will have a go at taking all four all the way round, but all those leads are a pain to deal with
Well our plans were thwarted today by the road works on the Forth Road Bridge. We were still stuck in traffic at 12.30 and didn't seem to be moving any nearer to the bridge, so counting our losses and headed home. Morse did get a long walk up Little Glenshee this afternoon which he enjoyed immensely, he's still crashed out on the sofa despite it being dinner time!
I hope everone who attended today had a great walk. The weather was certainly good for it. Hope to see some photos posted later.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Sorry you guys missed the walk, I spent an hour trying to get over the bridge last night so you have my sympathy. Hope you make the next one. The turn-out was good and the weather was glorious for the walk. It was good to see so many new...and old...faces
We also enjoyed today's walk and meeting some of the 'East Siders' . Yes, it turned out glorious and warm and Holyrood is a lovely place to walk . Sorry to miss some of the folk who didn't manage to get there
We really enjoyed the walk yesterday, it was excellent fun and Jet is still tired today! It was his first time along and I don't think he's seen so many hounds at one time in a longwhile. see you all again next month