Hope so it was good fun. Thermal knickers needed though if the weather is the same as it was this year brrrrrr, Lea are you not up for the whole thing after doing the Half marathon recently
Hope so it was good fun. Thermal knickers needed though if the weather is the same as it was this year brrrrrr, Lea are you not up for the whole thing after doing the Half marathon recently
It was good fun and it gives me a reason to do the trining as I need some event of somekind to get me going, not having had one since has pushed me back into my slothful ways!
Lea are you not up for the whole thing after doing the Half marathon recently
I might consider it. I'll be needing an incentive to get me back out there over the winter months. (I've only been out running I think 3 times since the Half Marathon.)
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Well it is my pleasure to announce that GAL has secured 5 spots again - which can be a combination of Hairy Haggis Relays and marathon runners ( or 2 runners for half)!!
I'm up for running again - not sure which - 1/2 or relay so would love to be on a team again!
Oh no what to do! I wish I could say put me down for the half but since the last race I have been injured and only run twice. Might hang back and if you need someone to feel a spot you know where I am!
I would quite like to do it again, i wonder if I could manage half (hmmmm) I havn't been running since last time but there us still a while to get back into it i suppose!!!
Hi Just wanted to say that I have been looking for a fitness goal...... I am now sorely tempted to put my name down to run....not the 1/2 but as part of a relay. I may regret this temptation when I wake up in the morning!!!!