Rag went back to Selkirk today for an SKC Open Show and won a third in Whippet Graduate, a first in Hound Group Puppy and Best Special Puppy in Show. A very tiring day by all accounts but elated with her win. Here is a photo of one very tired Special little Puppy. Nora
Congratulations!!! Rag is gorgeous, i love reading about her i still miss showing my dogs sometimes,Do you know our good friends Dave and Lesley Roberts?iknow Dave was very involved in the Selkirk club for a long time.i know the show world sometimes gets a bad name but you only have to look at dogs like Rag to see it's not all bad.keep up the good work,have you qaulified for crufts yet?we could all get together and come and support you lol!!!.
,have you qaulified for crufts yet?we could all get together and come and support you lol!!!.
I can just imagine the faces if all of us stormed Crufts with greys and various other varieties in tow. Wouldn't it be fun. I'm sure Rag would appreciate all the support.
Well done, Rag - if and when you do get to Crufts, you show em.
Hi Nora when and where is Rags next champ show or open show ?I'll keep an eye out for the judges critiques in Our Dogs,Has she qualified for Crufts ?I might take a trip down for Pastoral and Hound days and come along and offer my support,do you handle her yourself in the ring? It can be a bit nerve wracking but at the end of the day you will still be taking the best dog home.Hope she has continued success.
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. Rag has not yet qualified for Crufts as all her firsts have been at Open shows, her next Championship show is on Sunday the 18th of November at Sherburn Sports Centre, Sherburn, Co.Durham and is Whippets only before that she has a limited show in Ayrshire on the 3rd and between the two on the 11th she has an Open at The Jack Kane Centre in Niddrie, Edinburgh. She only has until January to qualifiy for Crufts 2008, or all the hard work starts over again for 2009. I do handle her myself which is very nerve racking, but Rag does all the work as she turns on like a light bulb and takes it all in her stride. Nora
It's great to see Rag doing so well, it's nice to know she is a real rough and tumble dog that gets to run free and have fun. I feel sorry for the wrapped in cottonwool ones. Go on Rag, give them all a run for their money and well done to you Nora, being a new kid on the block in any kind of showing class is never an advantage
Isn`t she such a clever little girlie! I`m sure you already know but you qualify for Crufts when you win !st/2nd or 3rd in any BREED class (inc, minor puppy/puppy/junior) at a Champ show. Are you sure you`ve not qualified? Is the next WCS show a champ show in Nov or is it an open? Time yet!