No, not barking as in mad. Just plain barking (although the "mad" part would certainly apply too). Our Belle is now four years old and for three of those years she barely uttered a sound. Then she suddenly discovered her voice, and would bark from time to time. Over the past six months, the barking's got more and more frequent especially since we now have cats next door. We'll be sitting quietly and she'll suddenly hear something outside and all hell breaks loose. It's like she's making up for her three years of silence.
Does anybody else have a noisy grey? I thought they were "famed" for being quiet.
this sounds so like our Daisy. She'll be quietly laying on the sofa, then very suddently will howl and woof and fly down the garden, barking at goodness-knows-what! of course, the boys follow and bark too (even tho they have no idea what they're barking at).
I just assume she's seeing dead people cos neither Neil or I have any idea what she's seen.
the noise is horrendous so you have my sympathy even tho I have no solution for you!
I just have to blame my collies, every time they start barking outside it sets Cas off. I would not mind so much by after the collies shut up she is still going. LOL Don,t you just love them. Nora
Dexter has barked from the day an hour we got him (well after his kennel cough cleared up). Then again Dexter doesn't know he is a greyhound.........Abbey yodels/talks/ barks when she exicted about something. Kai gives the highest yip av ever heard to deep growls when he and Dexter are racing next doors dog up and doon the fence. Wee Florence very rarely makes any sound, sometime a quick yip when she play (by herself) then looks surprised at the sound!
Wills likes nothing better than a good bark if he thinks it's necessary (which is lots). Long after the others have stopped, he's still giving it welly!
Millie whinges, barks, growls for any reason whatsoever - the whining is usually "I'm cold/hungry/want attention/want a blanket/want my blanket straightened out/want out. The barking is for any slight noise anywhere and the growling is for when anyone invades "her" space.
Tigger is like Abby - barks, yowls, yodels and talks when she's having her mad five minutes or is looking for some nonsense.
Mason can be very 'vocal' usually if he's bored and thinks I've been standing still too long in the park yakking. He rarely made a sound for the first six months I had him and I blamed the daycare centre. The boss Sarah says its not the other dogs but her horse. Apparently Mason races it up and down the fence for hours barking at it with his tail in helicopter mode. He doesn't normally bark at other dogs unless he wants to play and is on the lead, and he never reacts noisily to outside sounds. Marie
i've heard gus sort of bark once since ive had him. i've alsoheard him howl but only twice and both times he was on his own. any other time its a small whimper which i havent quite worked out yet but im learning his language lol
Jet never used to bark but he does whine, generally when he wants something or when he doesn't want to hang about on a walk or at the door.
He never used to bark much but since going to a behaviourist for his fear of other dogs he has replaced the frozen, petrified dog with a less scared but very noisy dog apparently he's now @vocalizing@ his fear rather than keeping it bottled up which the behaviourist say's is a good thing but at 7 in the morning when all was quiet, i'm not so sure!!!!!