Anyone see Casper the Irish greyhound on Dog Borstal tonight. His owner had a vast array of herbal and homeopathic remedies she was giving him as well as putting rose crystals on his collar to try and calm him down. Turned out she was holding his lead too tight Have to say I wish they'd shown more of the training, compared to the other two 'inmates', one of whom ended up being PTS he was so aggressive, it would have been good to see Casper's lunging put in perspective. At least the trainer made the very valid point that most ex racing dogs have never seen any other breed of dog in their life prior to being rehomed so it was not surprising they reacted the way Casper did. He was a gorgeous big thing. Marie
yeah I watched that, it was great to see Caspers lunging put to a stop :). I have to admit I cried my eyes out because of the other dog having to be PTS even though I knew from the start that would probably happen. I thought it was quite funny that it ended up to be Caspers owner holding the lead too tight in anticipation of aggression that was causing the agression in the first place. Especialy as she'd spent a fortune on all those potions and crystals, just shows you sometimes the simplest things eh. he he.
I watched that as Caspers behaviour is exactly like my Jets! he hasn't been fixed in a week though . I cried at the dog being PTS, i was really sad and my boyfriend made it worse by pointing out he was aggressive, i don't know why but that got me going more!
I was really disappointed with the way that poor American Bulldog was dealt with. Admittedly, I missed the first few minutes so didn't see why he was at Borstal in the first place. I came in at the point where he bit the vet and snapped at the trainer, and it was a bite that didn't draw blood and wasn't a repeated attack. Everyone knows that even the most abidable dog can become nervous/stressed/aggressive at the vets, they're confined in a small space where they can't take flight, freezing isn't going to help as the vet is still going to make contact so the only thing left to do is fight. If he had been brought into Borstal for aggressive tendancies then surely the owner should have muzzled him and the trainer should have suggested it. Surely the owner knew how he might react to the vet!
The point where the dog was absolutely terrified in the kennel was heartbraking, he had his tail wedged between his back legs and was almost cowering in the corner. The dog was scarred and the worst thing they could have done was to gathering the other trainers, kennel staff and camera crew into discuss how to deal with him!
It was strange that Mic, who said he enjoy the challenge of "dogs with attitude" was unable to assist and Lynn to say "you can't pass a problem on". I wonder how many rescue dogs would have been put to sleep under this premise? I feel the programme failed to use the opportunity to educate potential dog owners in the importance of research and commitment.
Rant over - BTW, I thought Casper was lovely and it was amazing to see how he was transformed!
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
It was heartbreaking, worse the dog was only 18 months old. It was clearly aggressive at home but as far as I could see it hadn't even been neutered. Was surprised no organisation was willing to take it on, he was such a handsome boy with unknown potential. Hope it serves as a warning to people thinking about taking on a 'family pet' to research the breed and the need for training from a very early age. Poor lad Marie