I am in the process of adopting Charlie from GAL after fostering him initially to see if he would settle in with my other two dogs. Anyway it transpires that Charlie has diabetes, waiting for results of blood tests etc to see if there are any additionl problems but having never had a dog with diabetes, never mind a hound, i was looking for advice on how best to ensure he has the best care. Has anyone had a greyhound with diabetes, how did they cope?
PMd you - gave you my phone numbers. Give me a call if you want a chat or PM me your number and I'll call you. Wills was described as a lurcher but is not as lurchery looking as some. He copes (and has coped) very well with his diabetes for nearly four years now. Am no expert but will happily let you know what we have found.
Just to update you and more to calm me down as i am not very good at the waiting game! Charlie was back at the vets today and they have admitted him as the tests are showing he has kidney damage, which has been a long term deterioration. His temperature has shot up since he was seen on Tuesday and he has been admitted for IV treatment and further tests ...just can't stand the waiting, finding it hard after what happened to Lucky so please all keep everything crossed for him :0(
Charlie has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, which both him and i are struggling to manage right now. He is averaging 3 visits to the vets per week and admitted again today for intravenous treatment.
Right now i am worried about how long i can continue with this, his pet insurance won't help as this started just as i adopted him and outwith the qualifying period for his insurance so i am at my wits ends worrying myself sick that i could lose another dog here and how i can continue to pay the vet ....£980 in 4 weeks and still on-going.
Please all keep your fingers, and everything else crossed for him :0(
Anji, all the best to you and Charlie. This must all be very upsetting for you and though we can not help finacialy we are hear when ever you want to blow off some steam. Healing thoughts to Charlie. Nora
Was about to pm you to see how Charlie was getting on. I'm sorry to hear that he's struggling to get stabilised and hope that this will settle down soon. Will be keeping my fingers crossed (and everything else) for you both. Keep us posted on his progress and, if you need a blether, you've got my number.
I went back down to the vet this afternoon as i didn't want him thinking i had abondoned him leaving him overnight and he is still pretty miserable but hooked up to an IV with fluids, painkillers and antibiotics.
The vet has ordered in enzymes to put in his food once he is back on his feet to see if this will stop his pancreas going into overdrive, eventually reducing the function. Got to admit he has been great with Charlie and there have been a few times now i have just turned up at his door.
It's such a shame as this has been on-going for about 9 months according to the vet and the damage to the pancreas, no-one realised, not even me that when he was bowing (praying stance) that he was doing it to ease the pain but it is a classic sign of abdomen pain ...the only consolation is that when he does do it i know it's time for another trip to the vet.
Sorry to hear about all the problems your poor doggie is having,hopefully you will see an improvement with the enzyme powder if it's Pancrex powder then it should make a difference ,as for food Wafcol Fish and Corn is a good diet for dogs with Pancreatitis,some people use fresh pigs pancreas, hard to get the amount right though and not easy to obtain,my dog was prescribed Tagamet as well. I had to watch her like a hawk as she was always starving and would things that weren't good for her and that upset her tummy even more.!!I will keep looking for your postings, good luck,hope Charlies condition improves soon.Thank goodness your vet has pinpointed the problem.
Woohoo i got my Charlie boy back home tonight on provision i take him back tomorrow morning at 9, i thought he was going to take off when i went to get him out his cage (he refused to budge for the vet and howled like a baby) with his curly piggy tail rotating like a helicopter rotor. The good news is his temperature is back to normal, he is drinking water on his own and he definitely seems more comfortable in himself tonight.
I am not going to get my hopes up too much as we have been here before only for it to last a few days and back to square one.
Midas, i have to keep him on a prescription only diet with Pancrex powder for the very long term now, with small meals four times a day, routine walks and NO treats so i can only hope and pray that i am past the first hurdle of managing his conidtion.
Once again thanks for all your support and i will continue to keep you all updated.
Glad you've got your boy home. I truly hope that this is a turning point for you both. I'll be keeping everything possible crossed for you and Charlie.
Great to hear you have your boy home,what a relief,the prescription diet is good,I only mentioned the other food as it worked for my girl,she started off on the prescription food too,long may Charlie continue to improve and hope you are able to have a happy xmas together.Keep us informed on his progress it's good to know that there are people here on the forum for support.
Just back from the vets again and Charlie's temperature is up just a tad but it could be down to him being in the car or the stress of being at the vets again ...fingers crossed that is all it is.
He is crashed out on my couch right now after being given a morphine injection just to help him with the pain as he gets over this severe bout. He has now been prescribed Tryplase, antiiotics and pain killers and i have to try and keep him stabilised until the vet sees him on Tuesday so wish me luck with my big lad.
Glad to hear you have your boy back and that he is on the mend, it is such a worry when they are ill, here's hoping his improvement continues. I don't know much about the condition, but I've got a tip or two to try and cut down on the vets bills, if Charlie is getting repeat prescriptions and is on a special diet, there are specific online pet pharmacys which are a lot cheaper to buy your products from, your vet cannot refuse to give you a prescription and some of the products are up to 50% cheaper and mostly they do not charge for delivery. Its worth checking a few of them out to see which one is cheapest, they will tell you if a prescription is required or not. Hope this helps a wee bit.
-- Edited by Katie at 12:13, 2007-12-07
Katie, Tricia, Lulu, Dust, Sally, Purdy, Scully, Rosa
You could try Hyperdrug the Canine Chemist,they do prescription drugs,foods and all sorts there are a few others you could check out online,hope your boy has a restful night,and isn't in too much discomfort.
Charlie has turned into the devil hound overnight! He nibbles and licks the wound where his canular was put in, the original one from three weeks ago has still not healed up so last night he had bandages on both his legs, and i put a long sleeved t-shirt on him with a buster collar (as advised by the vet), only to wake up this morning to the collar in bits on the floor, the t-shirt shredded and the ban dages torn off! I looked at him and he had his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth and i swear a mischevious grin but the eyes were saying 'It wasn't me'!
Other than that he had a good night, we both had a good sleep and after his morning walk he is curled up beside me on the couch now. From devil to angel in one morning i think :0)
I know that look all too well,Big Mac started to unwind the layer of cotton wool under his dressing and before I could say anything he just gave me that innocent it wasn't Moi,I would never dream of doing such a thing lol,they are so good at it.!!!!Glad Charlies a bit better hope he continues to improve.
I know it is early days yet but Charlie has gone 4 days without a bout of sickness, bowing or the runs which is pretty good for him, after tomorrow it will be longest time without a trip to the vet so maybe the trypase is making the difference in managing all this.
The little monster has been breaking into my fridge so i put a child lock on it, which he managed to break off last week. Anyway keeping the kitchen door closed all the time seemed to break this habit for a few days ...until tonight! I heard him crying in the hall and went to check on him only to see him using his head to depress the door handle and run into the kitchen straight to the fridge eeeeek ...might have to resort to a padlock and chain at this rate.
Anji that is fantastic news. I don't want to tempt fate but I so really hope that you and Charlie have turned a corner and are going to be able to get Charlie stabilised. I will be keeping everything possible crossed for you both as I think that would be the best Christmas present that the two of you could get.
Well my big lad was back at the vet tonight for a check-up and i am chuffed to bits. Charlie boy has very little pain in his abdomen, he is the most alert the vet has ever seen him, no sickness and diarrohea for 5 five days now.
Next checkup is in January so onwards and upwards for us both, i couldn't have wished for a better Christmas :))))