Poor Mason had me in a right state this morning. Last night he started limping on his back leg out of the blue and I thought he'd probably caught his toe since he'd been fine on his evening walk. This morning, however, his foot had ballooned to twice its normal size. Convinced he had dislocated or worse broken a digit I was waiting outside the vets at 8am when they opened. He was taken straight through and a close examination revealed a tiny puncture in the centre of one of his toe pads, which when pressed oozed pus. Some digging around with a blade (ouch!) produced a tiny shard of glass which had managed to get in, the vet thinks, on last night's walk. The scary thing was that in the space of 12 hours the infection had spread through two toes. Poor old Mason, having suffered the pain of having the glass removed and two large jabs, then had the indignity of leaving with a sock on his foot. He's hobbling around painfully on three legs at the mo, looking pitiful, fingers crossed the swelling goes down by tomorrow! Marie
POOR MASON!! had the same thing with Jamie on tuesday and was doing a home visit with him that night,and it happened to Eugene a couple of weeks ago after he had been for a walk in the park,love to Mason hope he gets well soon.
Aww poor Mason. Glass is everywhere, its such a nightmare walking your dog anywhere these days.
And dont worry about the embarrasing sock - Annie is wearing hers too!!! (AGAIN!)
This is the fourth cut on the same paw in less than 8 months, the disolving stitches had just disapeared from the last op, when she split it again - the vet just looked at me when I took her in - she just knew without even asking that it was the paw again!! I haven't even settled the last claim from the insurers.. Oh well
Sorry to hear about Annies paw Jacqui,I've just been looking at boots for dogs,Therapaw are good and Liz and Dave Aitchison use them for Lara she has to wear hers all the time or she can't go out.Have a word with Dave at the show.
Get well soon Annie and Mason. Digging about with a blade sound Will he make it to the show this weekend?
We're definitely going on Sunday, he may have to sit out the classes tho and might retire to his gran's house early! He has gigantic antibiotic pills, and I've seen miracle bounce backs, so fingers crossed. Marie
Have to agree with above!! Ive had both Judy and Shane at the vets this week. So they can sympathise with Annie and Mason. Shanes has a Gastroenteritis, great fun cleaning piles of vomit at work AND at home!! Judys got corns on both front paw pads.
Thanks Rachel, will have a look on-line now. So far every boot that I have bought her (even specially made greyhound boots) dont fit properly and just fall off!! Its sooo frustrating!
Just as a 'footnote', Mason went off to daycare today with his sock on and returned this evening barefoot. Sarah, the boss, opened the conversation with 'I have to apologise on behalf of the dog who ate Mason's sock' 'Was it a Lab', I asked....YES Don't know what she told its owner! Marie
I just wondered reading this does anyone else have a greyhound that hates labs? My heart always sinks if I see one coming especially off lead - Chad hates them! He can be very aggressive and always strikes first if i give him the chance! xx
I just wondered reading this does anyone else have a greyhound that hates labs? My heart always sinks if I see one coming especially off lead - Chad hates them! He can be very aggressive and always strikes first if i give him the chance! xx
I'm sorry to hear that. My mum has a lab whose only about 18 months old and he and Mason get on okay, Mason gives him a right telling off though if he thinks he's being over boisterous. At the beach the other week I was stunned when Mason, offlead, initiated play with a Chocolate Lab who was having a lie down. Its the first time I've ever see him do that with a dog which isn't groo-related, it was slightly older though and they had a bit of a run around together. Maybe Chad has had one to many bad experiences with young over-excited labs, they can be exhausting!
Two of my three are not too keen on labs - Wills and Millie (both lurchers and both with dodgy pasts) are anti-lab normally. Black = major problem, chocolate = less of a problem and blond = tolerated normally. I have to put them on a lead if I see any labs coming usually. Strangely, Wills was very good friends with a black and a blond when he first got up here???
We went to my mums after the Christmas show yesterday and Mason had a rawhide Xmas cracker which Claire very kindly gave him with him. He'd taken it greedily, carried it back to the car and got in with it, but he just doesn't understand rawhide. he took in into my mums where Max proceeded to show him exactly what she should do with it - he wolfed the lot in front of him Poor Mason, he's got a rawhide boot in the house which someone gave him which he sniffs a lot and gives the occasional lick to but he can't seem to get over the fact its a boot and will not chew it! Strange dog
Tell Mason to dip the chewy boot in his pint, next time he's down the pub, it's a sort of doggy pork scratching. He was looking and sounding great at the show yesterday.