I have been up to my eyes for the last few months, but now at last things are calming down...i thought i'd up date you all on Jake..our Beddy x Whippet pup, he is 21w old now and is just an angel, he really is, very obedient and loves everyone and everything. He has earned himself a bit of a job at the surgery as being amazing with people who are upset, he clambers onto their knee and cuddles in, licking the odd tear away, he also will yowl if anyone cries..He is doing well at training and shows promise at retrieving as well as whistle training. He is a joy to live with. Our Wire Vizsla is due her pups any day and Jake spends a lot of time with her, she has little interest in the other dogs now, but she and he play around and sleep together, when she is lying in her whelping box he goes and takes her toys and leaves them at the door.
Hope all is well with all of you and your dogs..i will post some pics up soon.
How lovely (pups) definately piccies please! (I am at this moment waiting for the arrival of my new niece her mum was induced today but still no sign) Em and Chad xx
These pics were taken about 5w ago..will take some more at the week-end.. He is now 16" at the shoulder and weighs 9kg!
This is Kali..mum-to-be..she is currently the size of a small country..now on day 62..still showing no signs of giving birth though.. Kali and her 'huband' before she was pregnant!
What a great place for a photo, Mr and Mrs look good. Saturday night/Sunday morning is a good time to have pups, providing you don't need to call a vet Do you think they time it for when the v. e. t. is away
We had a special delivery on Friday night..10 babies for Kali..5 girls and 5 boys..all healthy and beautiful..their prospective owners have been waiting a long time for this day and are all delighted..Jake is beside himself at the sight of the pups..but submits to them!!! He is a little sad though that his friend Kali doesnt seem to have time for him just now. Here's some puppy pics...
I cant get ANY work done for watching the pups, Kali, the mum with the pups and how their arrival has affected the other dogs and Kali's relationship with them.
There is one pup, who is a right little bruiser..he shoves and pushes and is not adverse to using brute force to get another pup off the teat he wants..Kali picks this one up and dumps him fairly unceremoniously at the other end of the whelping box, from where he has to do his funny little commando crawl all the way back to her! She will do a low growl but look the other way if any of the dogs have to walk past the box to get outside..but away from the box and the pups she will greet all the others very enthusiastically and is very grovelly. One little girl pup who swallowed a bit of fluid whilst being born is smaller than the rest and Kali pays special attention to her and will nose her towards a teat.
I made sure that when Kali was out for a pee that all the dogs saw exactly what was in the whelping box, so that there was nothing to be worried about..
Jack - immediately wanted to clean and lick the pups. Jake - lay on his back and submitted. Holly - wanted to play with them. Becky - immediately lay on her side..it wasnt really submission but she seemed maternal towards them. Amber and Milly - went YUK..puppies...and they were off!
Kali's devotion to them is really quite humbling, its a shame some humans couldnt be so devoted to their young.
WOW, they are adorable. Good to hear they are all healthy and their new owners are chapping at the bit to get their puppy. Cannot say I blame you for just wanting to watch them all the time I would have to take 8 or 10 weeks holidays so I could be with them. Hugs to all your hounds. Nora
I can see a bit time off work for me in the next couple of months Mum looks fantastic, Jake must be chuffed at NOT being the baby anymore, makes him all grown up