2008 will see GAL's tenth anniversary! The question is - how do we celebrate this momentous event? So I thought I'd ask you for suggestions...
What do you want to see for GAL's tenth year? A big party? Something on the forum? Special t-shirts? Something for dogs and/or kids born in GAL's first year?
Let me know your ideas. I can't promise we'll use them all, but we'll use as many as we can!
t-shirt / sweatshirt is good idea, a wall plaque that can be sold in the shop with all the data on it, IE; founded on... no. of Grey's re-homed etc, it could look like a coat of arms and have some of the engraving on it that is on the gifts your selling at the min..... How about a dog blanket or coat to mark the occasion. A gathering of the hounds that are looking for there forever home and do a parade, a bit like the summer fair....... A tenth anniversary hugga hound (think that's what there called lol) Hope i helped a bit lol
Definitely a reunion of homed dogs. Make it really posh - a greyhound ball! Perhaps you could also offer a photo session at the event where pooch gets photo taken for a sum of money and you'll be sent best photo in a ten-year anniv frame. Or pooch with owner photo. You could team up with a large pet fashion company and do a fashion parade of their items but get homeless hounds to model the items and invite the papers to do a spread. A promotional video could be made. The work of GAL in the last ten years featuring homed and homeless hounds. I'll try thinking of other ideas too.