The Misti sagas continue. She's been getting cooked knuckle bones for ages, no problems. I was in the pet supply place the other day and they only had Parma Ham Bones. Got her one of those and all hell broke loose. It must be full of salt as she drank 3!!!!!! full bowls of water. Then, every 2 hours through the night i was up with her and she was crying to get out. Took her to the vets the following afternoon and she had small shards of bone stuck in her bum. A quick probe around from the vet sorted them out (she didn't seem too happy about that ). A few days on some anti-inflamitories and she's fine. So thats now pig ears as the smell that comes out her after them is gut wrenching...... and now no bones as it rips her insides up.
I know what you mean, i knew my first grey would be a nice quiet dog who could run about in the park and play with dog friends, he'd be really friendly to everyone and i'd never have to think of rude names to call him when he was naughty, because he wouldn't be very naughty. But I got Jet instead.
You'll find now though that it doesn't matter if they're bad because we couldn't change him for any other dog, you just get to love the one you've got and the good things about them. Besides no one else would put up with him.
Well it sounds like you are doing all the right things and you and Misti are showing mutual respect. Well done you. As Muddy Zuk says when you see the changes to that dog it is such a great feeling. Keep up the good work. Nora
You and Misti are doing great and I'm sure things will go from strength to strength. On the bones - give her raw bones. They don't splinter and are great for their teeth. I get mine from Morrisons and as a special treat occasionally give Mason a piece of lamb stewing neck which he looooooves
It wouldn't be nearly so rewarding if there weren't the wee moments to deal with - and it sounds like you're doing great! Much better than me, I'm a year down the line and can't stop the barking at other dogs - any tips would be appreciated! Well done
Thanks everyone. I never expected it to be so tiring having her. Suppose it's a case of "the grass is always greener" as every other greyhound i see out walking with their owners seems so much calmer and better behaved then Misti. I feel sometimes it's constant correction all the time, surely it's hacking her off, coz it's certainly tough on me ....going, here, hey, shht, hey, here, aattt, hey.
Just when i thought i was making a breakthrough, this morning 4 deer jumped out in front of us and ran down the trail. Misti just about back flipped and ripped her paws off trying to go after them. Nothing i could do would calm her, felt like i could have hit her with a brick and she wouldn't have noticed. Then a wee terrier came round off the lead and got right in her face. Her eyes were nearly popping out her head and she puffed and was hight as a kite for the rest of the walk. Prob too much too soon i think.
I'm still following (roughly) the Cesar Milan rules from his book (along with a few of my own). He says it should be 50% exercise, 25% discipline, 25% affection, in that order.
She get to sprint at least once a week, and runs with me once a week too. She was off the lead yesterday for about 30-40mins getting a good run with another dog. I took her running with me today for 3 miles (she's got bugger all endurance, she can do about 2.5miles, then has to walk the rest). And that is along with her 20-30mins walks in the morning and evening. So she should be too tired to be a pain in the ass, but she still manages to scrape that last bit of energy to keep me on my toes.
Don't worry if it seems like one step forward and five steps back because it's not as bad as it seems, they are learning from everything even when it seems nothings getting in their heads, it will come together.
We heve had Jet now since feb and he has every issue it's possible for one hound to have, his behaviourist has even said he's the most extreme example of anxiety, fear and general ott behaviour she has seen, don't know whether to laugh or cry. However the point is that when i think about how he was from the start and how he is now the progress is huge - much changed - but he's not great yet, it takes a lot of time and more than you think or hope it will but you and misti willl both get there eventually.
I'm just like you though - i see others walking about with their greys and see jet getting his knickers in a twist because a dog has the audacity to glance at him and think why can't i get one of them???
Wow you have packed a lot in,in six months.All of us have dogs that throw a wobbily from time to time, with our Hero it's squirrels and Robins,he's killed the last two Robins that had the cheek to follow me into the kitchen,I recently rescued a third Robin before he could catch it.!!Things will get better HONEST.We have to remember these dogs are sighthounds so it's natural for them to get fired up when they see wildlife or other animals run.Also some trainers still use live lures to get a dogs mind on the job,especially dogs who jib on the track and need to re-trial to race,not uncommon for dogs to be given a kill just before a big race also.So we shouldn't be surprised at times if our dogs over react when faced with running animals.or small creatures that resemble rabbits.Keep up the good work,life would be so boring if all our dogs were perfect angels.