Lulu got the all clear from the orthopaedic surgeon on Monday. I have to keep an eye on the area that opened slightly when she fell on to one of the pins in her leg but at last the poor girl can run free. I let her off yesterday and she thoroughly enjoyed herself, I have to say I was a bit of a nervous wreck with multiple Euro signs whirling before my eyes but all went well and it was a tired and happy doggy that returned home with me! As a result of having both legs operated this year poor Lulu has spent almost 9 months out of 2007 firmly attached to a lead. Let's hope that 2008 proves to be less eventful for her. Now she can run around she will hopefully shed the couple of extra kilos that she has gained whilst being incapacitated.
Lulu is very beautiful,all the patience and waiting does pay off,It's hard having to keep them on the lead but when it has a positive result like this it's so worth it.Long may it continue.