Bella wants a puppy, just one or two or all of them, she wants them soooo bad, promises not to be bad to them, go on pleeeeaaase just one, let me in, I won't steal them, HONEST
dammit why i got to wait so long to get home!! walks are going to be fun in a while, 12 dog pack anyone?!?!!? should i just bring lots of little leads and collars home for christmas?
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
Awwwww! I'm with Bella - Can I have one, or two or all? They are just beautiful. Will their coats remain black and brindle or are they likely to go more silvery as they get older?
A wee update, the pups are doing grand, Cara has been 1st class mum and they all look like wee piggies now. Here is a shot of the sleping family.
A group shot of the wee ones.
Grannies wee pet, well you have to have a favourite, don't you?
Tom Tom, the fat boy who is always first at the milk bar, you can get an idea of size as he is beside Caras back leg. Tom Tom was 990g yesterday. (Chubster)
Tara is also brindle. Her long hairs start as one colour and end in silver with a darker tip. Her shaved leg is starting to grow back in and you can really see the stripes.
Bella shot in today behind a puppy visitor, Cara was in the garden and so didn't see her. Bella just stood at the gate to the pen and staredI put her back outside but a while later she torpedoed her way back in again, this time Cara was waiting at the gate of the pen Bella sank to the floor trying to be as flat as pos. (not easy when you're her shape) Cara put her open jaws over Bellas head and made slow chewing motions Bella was not hurt but froze. I gently came between the two of them and had to roll Bella over the floor and out the door. Bella was too frozen to lift up and wouldn't move herself. I was amazed as Cara shows no interest in humans going in and out the pen or picking up the puppies, but she must see Bella as a threat It was a very effective gesture and Bella is showing a little more respect now. I was worried there would be gnashing of teeth and a blood bath, but this gentle show of power seems to have done the trick. Cara is not ready to give up the puppies yet