Hi Folks I am new here and would love to talk with other doggy people. My name is Jackie and since 2003 my husband Jim and myself have adopted 4 greyhounds from York RSPCA, we currently have 2 (although one is probably a lurcher). We have moved back up to Scotland where we are both originally from (Edinburgh and Glasgow) and now live in Fife along with our wee fat cat cross eyed cat, Callie. I love animals in general but am NUTS about greyhounds and lurchers. Really really besotted. With our dogs we have been through all the different problems when adopting, from dog aggression, extreme fearfulness, seperation anxiety, running away, health problems the works and I still think that it is the best thing we have ever done. I would love to post some pics but am rubbish at this kind of thing. So will need to wotk out how.
Welcome to the forum and we would love to see photos. Come and join us on our monthly walks and you will meet lots of like-minded people and be able to exchange stories.
Hi Jackie Love the picture - well done for working it out so quickly, I've only recently joined too and it took me awhile. Is that Rufus or Stumpy? We love Fife and the beach walks there. We are settling Tara, our first greyhound into a home with 4 cats at the moment. She's been with us for 4 months now and is doing really well. All the best!
Hiya again. I have no idea how I managed to get that last pic of Rufus up, 'cos I can't get any more. Good luck with the cat thing CandS it's hard work but worth it. I have tried bitches before to make it easier on Rufus as he was originally a lunatic and hated all dogs, great old boy now though. But every time no matter how sweet, gentle they were they all went ballistic at my cat, there is no reason for this, females are just as likely to be fine. Right going to try Stumpy again. Stumpy we think is crossed with a Staffie, but looks mostly g/hound. Was kept in a shed for 2 years so whole world is new and he has a dicky spine but doesn't stop him running, albeit in bouncy, hoppy kind of way. He is sweet slightly timid and bonkers off the lead, tends to tumble and nip smaller dogs so not always able to let him off... Oh he is 3. Rufus is 10 (ish) No tattoos on either. And none of my dogs have had tails.... a flook, split and got infected in the shelter.
Welcome to the forum Jackie, great pix of the dogs, love Rufus, i have a large black called Rowen and he lost his tail in the shelter the same way as yours lol, i think it makes him more distinctive......... didn't take me to long to get him used to my cat, i used a spray bottle with water in it and said NO everytime he even looked at her lol, poor pooch..... hope to meet you all some time, i'm over in the glasgow area so i do the dog walks in strathclyde park but i'm sure we'll all meet up at an event x
Rowan's a stoater, love the black greyhounds too. Seem to take so much longer to rehome but cat friendliness dicates all. My hubby is from your neck of the woods so know the park too.
Well done Jackie you seem to have manage the photo thing. Your dogs are gorgeous my Grey Cas has half a tail, don,t know what happened to hers.More photo,s pleaseeeeee. Nora Cas
Hello, welcome to the forum. I've a lovely black greyhound called Summer I just love the black ones, well all of them really if truth be told. Love the pics and look forward to seeing more :)
Great to get new people to the forum - welcome! Your photos are excellent. Took me ages to work it out! I've got a black girl (Tigerlily) and a white and brindle boy (Indiana), we'll match with your two
Welcome to the forum Jackie and your gorgeous gang, hope you can make it over the bridge to one of our Edinburgh walks sometime, there's usually quite a posse of groos and assorted others Marie
Thanks folks not had much chance to get on forum over xmas and when I have I have been checking on Dev and now the wee Jack Russell and a blue one in Coatbridge. Oh no, I know it will never happen with Rufus but although Stumps stays near he is so scatty I am petrified he does a similar thing. Always walk him miles away from roads etc. Am away to check when next walk is. Fingers X for the little old dog tho