This shot was taken a while back, but I like the way the pup looks like a guinea pig.
The pile of puppies keeps getting bigger, soon they will be able to bring Cara down, whether she wants to feed them or not. Cara likes to sleep away from the pups (so she can get some sleep) so she has a bed in the spare room and only goes in to the pen for feeding and cleaning them. It's the 'two legs' job to entertain them during their 5min mad turn.
The art of the 'roach' is perfected from an early age. The gently moving mass of pups is peppered with wee 4" legs sticking up all over the place. They are perfecting the art of finding and keeping the warmest, softest part of the bed, making maximum use of the litter mates as pillows.
They have started to venture off the bed for toilet duties (Thank God) and although they don't always make it to the paper they get most of it on the towel beside their bed. I started taking them off the bed as they wake up and getting Cara to lick them, while i'm holding them over the paper, once there's a few pee's on the paper the rest head for the soggy bit when they need to go.
After their morning feed, they whizz about for a few mins scrapping then sleep, I put them out the pen while I do the cleaning and change the bed (they don't fit in the basket or the box now)
I'm still having great fun with them, Cara looks fed up in the photo, but she is doing well and still loves her wee babies. The people that have picked pups come and visit, spending ages just holding the pups and getting to know them, the pups enjoy the attention and I get to play with all the ones that haven't been claimed. There is nowt being done in the house, I just sit and cuddle pups all the time.
My god can't believe how big they are,and so lovely,It's true what they say pups are such time wasters lol!!!!Iagree with you the housework can wait pups are so much more fun,see you've started with he collars too,it makes life much easier when you get them used to things when they are wee.Are you keeping one?Cara has done them well hasn't she?.
Iluska,I gave your love to Cara, along with a pack of boiled ham and a small tub of cream cheese (yum yum) This is a photo of Coira slurping up the goats milk.
This is a 'no name' killing the fluffy rug that hangs over the pen, note the splash of milk behind the ear, feeding time is rather messy
This is Fala and Astrids Boy sitting for the camera.
This is Fala fetching the ball, well she doesn't actually bring it back yet, but it's a start.
Coira finishing the Rusk goo, she likes her grub this one