Our first official GAL event is the very popular Easter Collar Parade.
Location: Langside College
Date: Saturday 8th March 2008
Time: 11am - 3pm
Entry fee: £2 per dog
The event will consist of various categories of dog shows including the all important Easter Collar competition. Make or buy and decorate a collar with an Easter theme. Fabulous prizes for all categories, of course!
There will be a Homeless Hound Parade to give the dogs looking for a home an opportunity to strut their stuff.
The GAL cafe will be there as will the GAL shop and there will be a raffle with great prizes!
Come along and enjoy the fun!
I hear that the Easter Bunny may be persuaded to make a return visit too!
Hope to see you all there.
PS If you're able to help out on the day please let me know.
I have just had a look at the photo's they are brilliant. Am in hysterics at the looks on some of the dogs faces. Also really impressed with the actual collars, and bonnets and even better the rabbit ears, that's a funny one. Wish I knew who was who.
For all you artistic folk out there, as well as the Easter Collar Competiitions for the dogs, we will be having an Easter Bonnet Competion for all the humans at this event.
I am going to start on my hat this weekend. As I don't bring a dog to the shows, it means that I can join in the fun too!
So get yourselves organised and lets make this event truly speggtacular!!!!!!
And for all the Delia Smiths amongst you, we would also be very appreciative of any home baking or tablet that you would like to donate.
Look forward to seeing you all!
PS Please PM me if you are able to donate to the home baking.
Can anyone tell me if the Easter 3354 and Male1st photos from last year are of William (no teeth) in his "I need a home" coat ? I'm as certain as can be that they are, but would love to have it confirmed.
Hi Denise,I'm pretty sure it is William,I know he won a prize I still have the collar he wore,I forget the name of the little girl who made it for him.
i'll be going To The Easter Collar Parade. Starting Making collars already. How Many Should I Make For The Dogs?? I'll Go To The Kennnels And Pick Up 2 Dogs. Kaitlin xx
You could make 2 for the dogs you will be bringing. I don't think that anyone will be making any for the other homeless hounds, so if you could do about 8 or 9 for them all that would be great. I know it's a lot to ask, so please don't spend too much on the collars, but we don't want the hounds to feel out of the occasion just because they are in kennels.
Thanks very much and say thanks to your mum and dad for all their support too.
Thanks for the info. Rachel ! I'm now completely sure it's William in last year's photos. I love to have any background I can on him as he's an absolute angel !
Good luck all you easter hound bunnies lol. Wish we could be there but alas my mummy is out doing something else. And daddy is working love and wags to all of you Red...
i've never been to a GAL event before, and neither have my hounds - but we can't wait!
making the collars tonight - never thought i'd have so much fun shopping for bonnets and chiffon!
i'll be taking the train with Loki and Mia - is the college far from Mount Florida? also - might be a silly question - but what building should i look out for?
also, this might be a bit of a silly question, but how busy are the events generally? just so we know what to expect!
I'm really pleased to know that there is excitement surrounding the ECP!
I too am looking forward to it. I took a day off work to complete my baking and make all the sandwiches.
So now that it is all done it is just a case of organising the raffle prizes.
I am hoping that the event will be well attended. Last year's was a bit quiet, but thanks to some advertising and passing the word about, I expect to have a decent turn out.
There will be a few signs put up pointing the way to the event. I am sure that if you just follow people with long legged dogs you won't go far wrong.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
I have made my Easter bonnet and hope that you all have too and that you will enter the competition for the best one!
Please also remember that if you are bringing your children, there is a competition for the best decorated hard boiled egg.
Well I had a great time today, did lots of sniffing and made a lot of new pals! Thank you to everyone who organised this exciting day for all us Greyhounds! It was so exciting that I wanted to let everyone know I'd been there. I was trying to aim for interesting things like mens' jackets and ladies' handbags, but unfortunately my Mum stopped me and I only managed the floor - several times! Being rather a gentleman, I'd also like to thank everyone who cleaned up after me!
Thanks again and hope to see all my new friends at the Summer Gala
It was so exciting that I wanted to let everyone know I'd been there. I was trying to aim for interesting things like men's jackets and ladies' handbags, but unfortunately my Mum stopped me and I only managed the floor - several times! William
Hmm I know a boy whose exactly the same. At the Christmas Show in Larkhall I was chatting pleasantly with a lady outside, who will remain nameless due to my embarrasment, when I noticed Mason had ****ed his leg ( a rare thing in itself which normally brings praise) and was peeing all down her trousers Thankfully she took it in good grace! I'm glad you had a good day, I wish I had been there but I'm immersed in decorating my flat in preparation for sale. Can't wait to see the pix. Marie
Many thanks to everyone for their hard work. It is much appreciated.
Thanks to Ricky for judging and for Ian, who at a moments notice became the photographer for the day. Not an easy job, but one that he carried out very successfully.
Thanks to absolutely everyone who made the day such a success. Whether you baked, or transported a dog or helped to man either the cafe or the information stall or moved tables and chairs about, without your help we could not continue to home greyhounds, and of course raise funds.
If I have forgotten anyone it is unintentional.
See you all at the next event!
I will post the pictures, but it may take me some time.
Well Done on raising such a huge amount. Looks like everyone had a fun time. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that all 3 applications are successful.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!