Some may remember i was baby sitting this lass a while ago for a friend who went on holiday
Well it seems the girl who owns her still hasn't heeded any advice given on how to stop her destructive ways. I add she didn't destroy anything here and was no real trouble! however on a slightly bad news good news front. Her latest escapade has cost a fire in the owners flat! seems she managed to turn on a lamp, knock it over from chewing something it then fell into the curtains and casued them to set alight!! Both Nika (the dog) and the cat are OK although needing eye drops and some treatment for smoke inhalation.
Well it seems she may be coming back for a visit, (goodbye sleep and life) as the flat is so badly damaged the girl has to move out for a month!! while repairs go on!
But it got me to thinkin, this could happen even by accident with any lamp with a floor button and an accidental knock, so should we all keep sockets switched off at the wall when we are not around? this could have ended quite differently in a very short time!
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
well she has arrived, all seems well with her and for those who say dogs don't remember things. she has remembered all her commands she learned in english with me previously! here is a video of Nika and Edi playing with an old shoe lace i found while tidying up a cupboard
the cheap found toys are the best*!!
-- Edited by Muddy Zuk at 17:29, 2008-02-18
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
MY GOD look how tidy your flat is, all that floor space all clean and everything I see the girls are not in the least traumatised by their trip in the crate, they seem to be happy to use it as a den now
My whistling kettle is infact a cow yes! maybe doesn't go ping like yours but it does whistle ands its rather funky if i say so myself! can't believe previous tenant wanted to skip it!
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
Sorry the song escapes me just now, i think it may be Tool though
Well it seems Nika is here for a longer stay now, possibly til the end of the month, poor girl is not herself today and has been a little sick, me thinks whatever she stole yesterday has not agreed so minimal sympathy is in order. but i have put a big blanket under her favourite table where she likes to sleep.
and no the ears just don't get any smaller. at the moment i have bliss, all three a sleeping and my flat is tidy and no dog gifts to be found! I wish it would last.
As for the wall in the pic, well the pups started some redecoration but have not finished it yet, me thinks i will have to do it when they get a bit older
-- Edited by Muddy Zuk at 13:36, 2008-02-21
I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.
Oh what a wonderful video I have a great big smile on my face now and that so helps as it is absolutely throwing it down outside and the Redster is wanting his walk. Lenny will have to stay in for a wee while till it eases and I can get his waterproof over his stookie...