hi im sam i picked up a lurcher from bothwell bridge on saturday the 16th febuary his name is campbell we met him the week before as joyce had him in the recepiton and he just came up to my man gave him a sorry look and we fell in love with him hes been in our house since saturday and hes made himself at home hes such a laid back dog that half the time you wouldnt think there was a dog in the house and hes gettign on fine with my 8year old lad my boy knows just to let the dog be and that the dog will come up to him when hes ready as we dont think campbell has not had much interaction with kids in the past hes now in a loving home and out of that horrible cold kennel that hes been stuck in for the past 6weeks hes a bit more of a mans dog but he knows him mum feeds him
well done samantha my Red was very much a man's dog when he came home with us last July. But don't worry he loves his mumbly very much as well. The loving looks and mad dash to say hi when I get back in just melts my heart everytime...
Hiya Sam. Glad you are enjoying having Campbell, he must be the one for you as it's not always that easy when they come in to a strange house. This is the place to come and ask for any advice. Am chuffed you have taken him in. Lurchers and greys are almost always laid back and easy in the house and am glad that yours is no exception. And also my boys think my husband is the bees knees, yet it's me who feeds them etc etc. Ah well as long as they are happy.
Hello Samantha I had Campbell out in reception as well a few weeks ago and there seemed to be a bit of interest in him but not a lot. I'm so glad you've taken him as he seems to be such a big softie. Joe.
Welcome to the forum Samantha and Campbell. I wouldn't worry about him being a 'man's dog'. My Mason is exactly the same but he knows I'm his 'person' at the end of the day Marie
Fantastic news you've taken Campbell home with you and welcome to the Forum! I'm sure he's settling down well with you and loving all the home comforts he's getting now. Hope to meet you with him some time.