In 16 days time Little Rag will be facing her biggest dog show challenge...Crufts. She is in two classes Yearling Bitch and Special Junior Bitch, there are 206 whippet bitches competing, so no pressure there. lol I think it will be a great experience and I am looking forward to it and as for Rag well she just takes it all in her stride. Nora
This picture was taken after winning Best Puppy at Selkirk ( Scottish Girl )
Oh how exciting. I always watch Crufts and this year I will be glued to the screen watching out for her. Good Luck Rag, and Nora..who knows you might make the headlines Marie
I always watch Crufts even though I get mad at it as it's always the same breeds that win.I am also not a fan of the KC, mostly due to the faffing around with some breeds, Bassetts, bulldogs, the genetically mutated ones. Like who decides that a bassett would look better with shorter, stumpier, wrinklier legs? That kind of thing, but where the real dogs are concerned it's great to watch them. I am always glued to the hounds anyway so can't wait to see little Rags.Good Luck to you both.
Karen(Isla)and myself are heading the Rag Appreciation Group and are flying down to Crufts to keep an eye on her.!!!We will be Benchside and Ringside to make sure she comes to no harm and are willing to doggysit if her mum wants to shop.Will keep everyone posted on all things Crufts.
I tend not to like crufts that much for the same reasons as Jackie, however i do love to watch the hounds. It must be really exciting for you Nora, she's such a beauty! I'm sure she'll romp it, and having a fan club cheering her on will be great! do you know yet what day she'll be on? Best of luck (not that she needs it! )
Thanks everyone, Sunday is hound day and judging begins at 8.30 am (groan). I agree with you about the KC messing with breeds so I guess thats why I like the whippet. Unless Rag win a first in her classes I doubt if you will see her on TV but you never know ! Nora
You know that this is so exiting that last night I dreamed that I had come down to Crufts to see Rag compete. Will definetly be watching on the TV though. I am sure that she will do well.
Y'know I really hope you get through and really hope we get to see you I am counting on at least catching a glimpse. I have a plan though, if it looks like you're not going through, just to get on telly.... streak. Then we will get a shot of you and Rags. Tadaaa brilliant or what? Or alternatively get drunk, abusive and get arrested. It's all good. If you need any more camera hogging ideas PM me I could go on all night.
Keeping everything crossed for Rag and you, Nora. Bit worried about the judges though having just seen what won the gundog group - and that after the Chihuahua took a final spot, I mean that's not even a dog really GL Marie
Not seen tonights, but got text from Rufus's Marie in York and she said "omg have you just seen wot one the gundog group?" So taped watch it tomorrow. But I like chihuahuas (?) I do. If it's going to be wee anyway, then they are the ones to do. I mean, they just look like that but it's not their fault, and are everywhere in Mexico as family dogs, and pretty much no one carries them around in their bag. Am getting worried who won the gundog... something redicluous, wot? Oh a Clumber? Or a weinmeraner so the other half of the country that don't have them can nip out and buy them...doh. They will totally go with the furniture..