Yesterday afternoon I took the gang for a big walk up to the pond (all new for Bryn) when we got home Bella and Bess went to their kennel for a sleep and Bryn went to his kennel in the play pen. Bryn stayed in his kennel to eat his supper and had no intention of leaving it when I called him in to bedI watched the back door all evening waiting to see his wee face, but he never showed I went to bed when I realised he would rather stay outside with his aunties than come in to the house with us and his mother. Hubby dragged him in before he went to bed, but I got the feeling he would rather have stayed out What does this tell us
We all went for another walk this morning, I tried to get a group shot but failed again. Here's Bryn doing his impersonation of a hare (risky in this company)
Bryn showing he can keep up with mum. For a wee while anyway.
It's easier to keep up with Bella.
Aunty Bessy lets him play rough.
The happy trio.
It's not great, but they are all in the same frame.
No photos from my trip to John Muir today (Dozy bag) I couldn't manage 4 dogs and the camera.
Sounds like he's an independent soul - always a good thing! Your walks always look great. What is the protocol for being in fields? If a field is just grass and empty, is it okay to go in? I'm always too afraid but I remember staying with a friend in England who lived on a farm and it was common practice to walk through fields (and ride) assuming there were no crops planted.
as far as i am aware, providing there are no crops and no livestock its ok to walk through, providing you keep an eye out for any signs which state otherwise, some fields connect with walk ways etc the land around me has fields i can walk through as long as they dont have any crops growing.
i dont know for deffinate if this works for all areas.
i've known one farmer back in the borders who took a dislike to anyone being anywhere near his land wether the fields were in crop or not so i guess it just depends.
It's always tricky to know what to do about walking through fields. If you find the landowner and ask nicely (letting them know your dogs will do no harm) they may say OK (that's great) but they may say p**s off (not so great) If you check the ramblers website (no I don't know how to attach it) they will tell you what the law says. Everyone knows where I walk my dogs and the only people who object are the gamekeepers, they have permission to work the fields and think my type of dogs will kill their birds (it's all shooting round here) I have reasured the land owners that they do not take birds and I do not let them run around the feeding stations, I also stay well clear of the areas they are shooting in (don't want me or the dogs to get shot) Bess and Bella do a bit ratting around the farm where the horses are and the land owner has seen that the dogs don't touch the birds or go around barking so she has said it's ok for them to be there (gamey not chuffed, but hay ho that's how it goes) I try to let people see that not all hounds are used for stealing game and they can be 'trained' like any other dog. I've told the farmers that if they ever caught a rabit or hare, I'd kill it, clean it and present it to them in a pie. The dogs will chase things, it's in their blood, but with the help of my stunt chickens, they no longer bother birds.
I miss Bryn, he stayed out with Bella and Bess last night (didn't want to come in) I miss his wee face when he sits in the morning waiting for his rusk and yoghurt pot. I miss hearing his size 9 feet thundering round the laminate flooring. He's still out there with them, I've delivered his rusk and stuff to him, the kennel is open but he has never appeared at the back door. It was such a dreadful night and it's pissing down with snow and rain but he looks so damn happy out there. No wet rug or landmine waiting for me this morning and I didn't have to go looking for my shoe/slipper/welly
Sounds like your baby is growing up, bless him. I'm sure it will be better for him long term to rely more on the other dogs company than yours, even if it does feel like you are being abandoned. At least he's not keeping 'bad company'. Marie