I just thought bet you've washed your windows for house viewings and there will be greyhound nose marks all over it now. Did your estate agents advise you to have Mason out of the house during viewings? Ours did. Walked the boys on the meadow for 2 hours in the pouring rain one Sunday. Worth it though that was the day the house sold.
LOL, yeah the estate agent is doing accompanied viewing so will be during the week when Mason is at daycare or at weekends when we can go out for long walks or to friends!! Funnily enough Mason didn't shake as he eyeballed the cat, but when I rattled the blind to scare it off I grabbed him at the same time to stop him trying to go through the glass after it. I wonder if cats are like wine to greyhounds. He has a real preference - black or black and white are top of the list of those he wants the most, the brindle type he can take or leave (depending on how hungry he is presumably) and he positively drools at ginger ones. He has a discerning palate!! Marie
I wonder if cats are like wine to greyhounds. He has a real preference - black or black and white are top of the list of those he wants the most, the brindle type he can take or leave (depending on how hungry he is presumably) and he positively drools at ginger ones. He has a discerning palate!! Marie
Fat tabbies must be way down the list then, thankfully. Like I'll stoop to a tortie if pushed but no way will I eat a tabby, on a par with deep fried pizza mebbe?
LOL, I felt very sorry for a young black and white cat that we saw last night. It was sauntering up the pavement towards us until it clocked Mason and went shooting into a garden, seconds later it came shooting back out almost up to us before seeing Mason again and darting under a car. When I got to the garden I saw a large fox watching us, it must have run straight into it in its efforts to escape us. Poor thing, talk about rock and a hard place. I wouldn't be surprised if it refuses to leave its house again! Marie