Over the past few weeks my usual tedious bus journey to work has been made a bit more interesting. While looking at the promo film for Glasgow which was being played ( with the sound turned down ), there was a report on some sort of road race and all of a sudden there were 2 guys from GAL being interviewed by a reporter. One of them was dressed as Scooby Doo and their GAL t-shirts were being shown off to everyone. It looked as it was from 2006 and I just wondered if anyone could shed some light on who the 2 runners were and how much they managed to raise at the time. Joe.
I also saw this one day, and thought what better publicity than on the bus, just a shame when I saw it I couldn't hear what was being said, coz that would just be the icing!!
We ran the Glasgow on the Green run - there were about 8 of us and the guy who wore the Scooby Do outfit ran the full marathon! It was great - I still have the t-shirt- except for the rain!! It poured so bad it was hard to see the road. Luckily I followed people to the end! I think we raised over £1500 for that run! Will need to check.