Tanya gave me her password & asked me to let you know that she has (eventually!) given birth to a beautiful little 7lb 15.5 ounce boy called Kai at 2.01am this morning by Cesarian section. She started getting contractions about 15 hours earlier and is currently in the hospital getting a well earned sleep.
The poor lass was an absolute trooper but baby looks to have inherited her directional skills and was finding it a bit stressful getting himself out so he is in the Special Care section at the mo but it's for not anything serious & he should be beside Tanya within the next couple of days.
Unfortunately Summer will miss the walk this month but hopefully we'll all be able to go on one of the walks soon.
PS Summer was delighted at the news. Or was it because I had a treat in my hand when I told her?
Brilliant news,love to all,bring the wee one along for a visit once everything settles down a bit,can't wait to see you all together,take the wee ones things home from the hospital and let Summer sniff them,it will get her used to the new smell before mum and baby get home,love the name for the wee fella.