On Sunday Indiana stole a tub of butter wthout us realising and ate half of it. He was really ill. He whimpered for a whole evening before throwing up lovely yellow liquid all over the house... OH had gone to bed and guess who had to do the cleaning up? By the next morning Indiana was back to his usual bouncy self but I have noticed a distinct absence of him from the kitchen for a change!
How sad - but alittle funny now that it is over. I was told by one of our volunteers that one of her dogs ate 1/2 jar of HONEY - talk about a sticky stuff that had to be picked up afterwards! My dogs are pretty good about not eating human food unless it is chicken although my one dog ate a jalipina off my husbands plate before he realized what it was. Luckily he spite it out right away!
The only thing that I did also come across was my friend's lab that ate half a carton of crayons. Luckily they all came out in his stool! The funny thing was his stool was multi colored for awhile. You had to laugh when you saw it!!
As my mum would say 'that'll learn him' Daft boy, glad he's okay and seems to have learned his lesson. Mason once helped himself to my singapore noodles when my back was turned - i didn't know whether to laugh or cry as the chillis kicked in and he went between running for water and frantically rubbing his mouth on the carpet, my knees etc. Did he learn? Not likely, I still can't leave a plate unattended. Of course once I have a new house and a proper dining table it will be a different story Marie