As i mentioned earlier, we havent been on the GAL site for a wee while, just thought i would stop by tonight and post a couple of replies to things i have read on the forum. Its nearly 2 years since Dan and then Sally came to join us. Dan is nearly 12 and Sally is 7 now. WHen Dan arrived he was all bandaged up after a bit of a todo with his foster pals. We brought him home and have never looked back since.Then our Sally arrived ( after mentioning to Souixsie that Dan might need a bit of Company) we met Sal in the park with Dan and we all went home together. We've been on holiday, theres been tears, growls, tantrums and bin raids. Theres been plenty of vet visits (including an incident at Christmas unvolving an enclosure, a deer that was hiding and Sally almost having to have half her leg cut off) and things stolen that shouldnt have been by the dogs that were originally for dinner (although some of them were probably the cat, but he's too sly to get caught). GAL is very different than when we first joined and im not sure if we know anyone that is posting on the forum any more, as with one thing and another alot of folks we knew dont post any more, but we will ty to stop by a bit more often than we have been recently, we have just been really busy with work and studying. Its also been quite difficult to come to any events due to Dan, who is on Vivatonin for "mental decline" as he gets tired and forgetful and just barks constantly when he gets excited.
Good to hear from you and all about your ups and downs with the Dan and Sal. Sorry to hear Dan is a little worse for wear due to old age. Hope the medication helps him. His photo wearing his sunglasses is super in the GAL calendar.
Good to hear from you again and get an update on the gang. Sounds like there have been some very eventful times. Poor Sally's leg and it sounds like Dan is getting on as well. Hope we get a chance to catch up over the summer at GAL events. Marie and Mason